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[–] 2 pts last month (edited last month)

Here's the data from Hey Jackass.(heyjackass.com)

Year To Date Shot & Killed: 537 Shot & Wounded: 2436 Total Shot: 2973 Total Homicides: 608

[–] 2 pts last month

In 2021 there were 797 murders. But I also know there were a few years with over 1,000 murders in Chicago

[–] 1 pt last month

Just imagine how much "worse" it would be if they didn't have those strict gun laws... LOL

[–] 0 pt last month

It's not enough.

[–] 0 pt last month

These are part and parcel brown organ banks. Let the harvesting begin.

[–] 0 pt last month

Only 2,400? Those are rookie numbers. Bunch of lazy niggers.

[–] 1 pt last month

There's a still a day and change left. They can still find it if!