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#[Gibs me dat!!!!](#triggered) [Source Article](https://www.foxnews.com/media/chicago-resident-shares-fury-over-citys-51-million-migrant-aid-package-just-mess)

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts 1y

LOL fuck 'em all! Chicongo cesspool of niggers & spics & Whites I hate

[–] 2 pts 1y

The new niggers...

[–] 1 pt 1y

Such is the nature of the golem

[–] 1 pt 1y

>"It's just a mess here," Chicago resident Andre Smith said. "We have in Chicago $160 million that was spent for the migrants with no records, no plan. And now we're fixing to spend $51 million that was passed at city council with no record, no plan for 500 migrants for 30 days. That's unheard of."

Well... They voted for it... I mean you vote demotard what did you expect regarding immigration? A wall on the southern border? Ah yeah they weren't supposed to get that close, they were supposed to be somebody else's problem... Well, now that's ALSO theirs...

[–] 1 pt 1y

So funny when they fight over the gibs.

[–] 1 pt 1y

Niggaz be hating They don't want any competition for da gibsmedatts

[–] 1 pt 1y

And it's all graft. Not a penny of it will be spent on the stated purpose that has not profited at least three government cronies.