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This is more like it. The numbers were a little low lately. 10 people shot in one day doesn’t even get Lori’s attention

This is more like it. The numbers were a little low lately. 10 people shot in one day doesn’t even get Lori’s attention

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt 3y

You are safer when deployed to the mountains of Afghanistan than you are just walking the streets of Chicago.

A while back, the goofy niggers of Chicago heard the statistic that "You're more likely to be shot and killed in Chicago than you are in Iraq, a literal warzone"- they thought this was hilarious.

They came up with the name "Chiraq" to refer to their beautiful, windy city. So funny that roving bands of MARAUDERS might murder and rob you more often in a "first world country" than in a fucking warzone.

The USA is no longer "first world". We lost that in the mid 90s, I'd reckon- now, the USA is just a third world country with first-world veneers.

[–] 1 pt 3y

Fewer than 4 per hour. Rookie numbers.

[–] 0 pt 3y

And yet she's not one of them.