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[–] 3 pts 3y

SWAT teams have better gear than the 82nd Airborne Division. All geared up for a 24hr continuous operation against hardened Al Qaeda fighters, just to serve a bench warrant for an unpaid parking ticket..

Fuck the militarization of police. I'm military and completely disagree with this. And yes, I have plenty of friends who are cops so I understand both sides.

[–] 5 pts 3y

I think the swat teams are mostly getting overpurchases from DHS and DOD and the reason why they end up with better gear is that they will use it about 1/100th as much as combat arms so it isn't getting dirty, worn, broken, or lost.

[–] 0 pt 3y

No, they're buying COTS (Commercial Off The Shelf) that the DOD doesn't purchase. These SWAT and State Police units have these MASSIVE budgets to buy more "Operator" shit than the 75th Ranger Regiment can use in actual operations.

You see these guys gear up with full CBRNE and advanced night vision optics and commsets to go serve a parking ticket warrant. It's overkill and it needs to stop.

[–] 0 pt 3y

they have better gear but many lack the true skill to deploy it most effectively

[–] 1 pt 3y

If only there was some way you can find the source of these server errors and server orders and play minecraft with them.

[–] 1 pt 3y

Top banksters are pulling most of the strings, they will do anything not to take the blame for the coming financial crisis. Either way it's a big club and we are some of their biggest enemies.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y

They've been the mercenary thugs of the Globalist Jews all along. And notice that whenever you see these pictures they're all white men. You can blame Jews and niggers all day but if whites had as much racial solidarity as Jews or even niggers we wouldn't have a problem. Fucknig traitors.