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Apparently he’s doxxed himself, bragging about it. Who knows if it’s really the guy, but posting anyhow:



Apparently he’s doxxed himself, bragging about it. Who knows if it’s really the guy, but posting anyhow: https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1340506883026325512 https://www.hyphen-report.com/csis-uses-antifa-to-dox-and-honeypot-freedom-convoy/

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 10 pts 3y

His name is Aubrey Cottle, which has self admitted history of working with various police or intelligence services, from the RCMP, to the FBI, to French “authorities”, to Interpol.

How much you want to bet he was paid to do it? It wouldn't surprise me if the FBI, CIA, etc is paying these commie faggots to hack and DDOS right wing websites and users.

[–] 1 pt 3y

Paid to do it? None.

The Cia hacked and offered him the key

[+] [deleted] 1 pt 3y