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[–] 5 pts 3y

How is this not waking up the normies!!! The sheople wake the fuck up no one wants mandatory Vax you fucking idiots..

Ohhh shit you know why they are not waking up? I asked a couple different people what they thought about the Canada trucking situation.... they didn't know what I was talking about.

Because it's not being covered the way it should be

[–] 1 pt 3y

The normies were told this is terrorism, so that's what they believe.

There's honestly no hope for anybody that still believes this bullshit after everything that's happened. Stop worrying about them. Just keep track of the ones around you in case shit hits the fan, because they're the ones you'll need to off first if you want to have any chance at surviving.

[–] 1 pt 3y

How is this not waking up the normies!!!

Because they don't know it is happening. All they see is what their Twatter, Kikebook and whatever the pejorative is for Reddit feeds tell them is important. The MSM makes no mention of it, and as such, it doesn't exist.