No worries, a brand spankin new "Smart apartment" in a lovely new "Smart city" will be provided. Rent will be reasonable and the first month free. All the amenities you could ever need will be available just for you. Welcome to New California and better way of living.
No worries, a brand spankin new "Smart apartment" in a lovely new "Smart city" will be provided. Rent will be reasonable and the first month free. All the amenities you could ever need will be available just for you. Welcome to New California and better way of living.
We'll call it City 17.
We'll call it City 17.
What's that signify?
What's that signify?
City 17 was the main setting for Half Life 2. You got a room, rations, and had utter obedience to your masters.
City 17 was the main setting for Half Life 2. You got a room, rations, and had utter obedience to your masters.