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Adding more anxiety for the folks who just lost everything.

Adding more anxiety for the folks who just lost everything.
[–] 0 pt 2mo

Why would that give them more anxiety? They've already lost fire coverage.

[–] 0 pt last month

I think most sre still insured, those that lost insurance earlier would sign up for the expensive state created last chance insurance (before the fire). Now those that lost everything and paid insurance premiums won't know if they will get anything back from insurance, or if this will collapse the insurance market and they get virtually nothing.

[–] 0 pt last month

The ironic thing is the state is stepping in and filling the gaps not realizing that it is going to bankrupt the state. It'd be cheaper to do control burns and clean the forests than make billions in payments but then that will ruin the illusion they've created over the decades. They literally can't go back on their failed policies.

[–] 0 pt last month

not realizing that it is going to bankrupt the state.


They want to destroy the USA. Their annual fires net more federal money for CA to combat fires (that CA uses for everything BUT combating fires). Most of these fires are coordinated, started purposefully. The insurance companies were seeing the upward trends, a recent spike in fires and severity so they boosted rates and cancelled policies. CA's solution was to create a final backstop insurance guaranteed by the state to perpetuate the grift. California has or had something like the 6th largest economy in the world, if it were its own country. For California to go bankrupt would be a real kick in the balls for the USA, especially being another immediate mess for Trump to have to deal with, a (((DS))) wet dream move just before Inauguration. It's going to get crazy.