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Former President John F. Kennedy threatened to “splinter [the CIA] into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds” before he was assassinated in 1963. JFK’s nephew, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., wants something perhaps less dramatic.

In a Trump campaign event with Tulsi Gabbard on Saturday, RFK explained his idea for reforming the CIA. According to him, reforming the CIA is as simple as splintering the “espionage” and “plans” divisions, which handle matters of intelligence and paramilitary operations, respectively. Those divisions are referred to today as the Directorate of Intelligence and Directorate of Operations.

RFK said the two divisions need to be reorganized so the intelligence/espionage area has oversight of the paramilitary operations. He said his father had a similar plan when he was Attorney General.

“My father had a reform plan Break up espionage division from the plans division, which is paramilitary division that fixes elections, buys newspapers, assassinates foreign leaders and so on,” he said.

“I would break up those divisions and put espionage division oversight of plans division.” . .

Video Only(youtube.com)


>Former President John F. Kennedy threatened to “splinter [the CIA] into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds” before he was assassinated in 1963. JFK’s nephew, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., wants something perhaps less dramatic. >In a Trump campaign event with Tulsi Gabbard on Saturday, RFK explained his idea for reforming the CIA. According to him, reforming the CIA is as simple as splintering the “espionage” and “plans” divisions, which handle matters of intelligence and paramilitary operations, respectively. Those divisions are referred to today as the Directorate of Intelligence and Directorate of Operations. >RFK said the two divisions need to be reorganized so the intelligence/espionage area has oversight of the paramilitary operations. He said his father had a similar plan when he was Attorney General. >“My father had a reform plan … Break up espionage division from the plans division, which is paramilitary division that fixes elections, buys newspapers, assassinates foreign leaders and so on,” he said. >“I would break up those divisions and … put espionage division oversight of plans division.” . . [Video Only](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7a97cu2fTQ) [Source](https://www.zerohedge.com/political/watch-rfk-jr-explains-plan-reforming-cia)

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt 4mo

Close it and let the NSA absorb it's responsibilities. Scrutinize the NSA, kick out all non Whites. Place an automatic surveillance AI on all the translators. Place an automatic AI surveillance on all NSA employee financials. All bank accounts, stocks, bonds, E coins, monthly bills, etc. Place an automatic surveillance AI to track all the NSA employees movements. Easily, use the google/Facebook/all the apps that spy on all Americans.

And plenty more. There are ways to reign in the ability of those in sensitive areas and their ability to sell America out by "going rouge." Use technology and most of that can be automated. We know that government is decades ahead of the public in tech and related matters. Use it for the betterment of our country.