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[–] 6 pts 2y

That might actually be a good movie, so it will never be made.

[–] 1 pt 2y

I would read this. It sounds like a hilarious concept full of wacky hijinks

[–] 0 pt 2y

This storyline idea would sell like hotcakes in the comic shop. The fact that some dudes meme is a better idea then any Superman book published in the last 20 years is exactly what’s wrong with the industry currently. random factoid there is currently a black Superman, a black Batman, and a black version of Spider-Man being published. Superman’s son is now a faggot. ice man from the x-men is a faggot now too. The whole fucking industry is infiltrated with faggot creators now that all the old Jew creators are dying off they are trying to claim there space and it’s tanking sales. This has caused a massive spike in prices for back issue books that aren’t faggoty or Jewish or superhero related, ex: old .12cent pre-code horror comics. I made $1400ish last month selling just 9 different comic books on eBay. It’s all fake and gay until you pay your utility bills with it.

[–] 0 pt 2y

yes this for a TV series, or it could even be a youtube channel with redpill content that is just ongoing done with humor sketches. This could be done in many different formats for a potentially very low budget production compared so some big movie productions.

[–] 0 pt 2y

A Superman game with Clark Kent segments could be interesting.

[–] 0 pt 2y

Doesn't really make sense why the CIA would pay to staff someone that they would then try to assassinate. If the CIA didn't want him reporting their news they would just have stop clearing his checks.

[–] 1 pt 2y

That's the ultimate conspiracy.

Superman works for the CIA

[–] 0 pt 2y

Well, I mean journalists are CIA assets ever since the Smith-Mundt modernization act was slipped into the 2013 fiscal year appropriations.

Believing there are "good journalists" that don't distribute domestic government propaganda is the ultimate conspiracy theory.

Furthermore, Superman was a jew creation that was first made as propaganda depicting him fighting Nazis. Even his origin story of being jettisoned in to space as an infant from a dying race reflects the story of Moses.

So as you can see, everything about your post is fucking retarded. And then you misunderstanding the purpose of my original comment was even more retarded.

[–] 0 pt 2y

So you write 4 paragraphs defending your post and insulting me. haha ok Learn to take a joke.

[–] 0 pt 2y

This has already been done in Superman the Animated Series, "The Late Mr. Kent"(whatculture.com).

The end scene of that episode is the absolute best in the whole series.