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KSNV-TV reported last Wednesday that a Las Vegas hospital was put on standby to treat Joe Biden for a medical issue. Biden cut short a campaign trip to Nevada after reportedly being diagnosed with COVID and returned to Delaware, without going to the hospital, where he has not been seen since a pool camera caught him Wednesday night being unable to get in a car without help from the Secret Service. A pool reporter reported Air Force One flew back so fast “the plane shook.” . .


>KSNV-TV reported last Wednesday that a Las Vegas hospital was put on standby to treat Joe Biden for a medical issue. Biden cut short a campaign trip to Nevada after reportedly being diagnosed with COVID and returned to Delaware, without going to the hospital, where he has not been seen since a pool camera caught him Wednesday night being unable to get in a car without help from the Secret Service. A pool reporter reported Air Force One flew back so fast “the plane shook.” . . [Archive](https://archive.today/1o5ZH)

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt 7mo

Red State’s Jennifer Van Laar reported Biden may have been treated on Air Force One for a mini stroke

Called it. He stroked out.