The National Socialists were protesting efforts by jewish lawmakers & their gentile lackies to curtail freedom of speech in Australia with new legislation that would criminalize criticism of jews & Israel, making them a super-protected special class under the law.
The activists displayed a huge banner reading "jEWS HATE FREEDOM," and chanted, "Freedom for the White Man! jews must go!"
NSN spokesman Joel Davis addressed the gathering & declared:
"The jews have demanded that the Victorian government change laws to take away our freedoms.
"The Victorian government, both parties, they’re complicit in an agenda to take away your rights, my right, all of our rights. Why does 0.4% of the Australian population – the jews – get to dictate to the Victorian government what our freedoms should and should not be?
"This country should not belong to the jews, it should belong to the White Australian people that built it. This is an outrage. We cannot stand for this. We have to take back control of our nations, and reclaim our political freedoms before they are trashed forever."
> The National Socialists were protesting efforts by jewish lawmakers & their gentile lackies to curtail freedom of speech in Australia with new legislation that would criminalize criticism of jews & Israel, making them a super-protected special class under the law.
> The activists displayed a huge banner reading "jEWS HATE FREEDOM," and chanted, "Freedom for the White Man! jews must go!"
NSN spokesman Joel Davis addressed the gathering & declared:
> "The jews have demanded that the Victorian government change laws to take away our freedoms.
> "The Victorian government, both parties, they’re complicit in an agenda to take away your rights, my right, all of our rights. Why does 0.4% of the Australian population – the jews – get to dictate to the Victorian government what our freedoms should and should not be?
> "This country should not belong to the jews, it should belong to the White Australian people that built it. This is an outrage. We cannot stand for this. We have to take back control of our nations, and reclaim our political freedoms before they are trashed forever."
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