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....Because they (tictoc) could potentially hide or promote information that could change US elections ...except that's what all of the companies like meta and alphabet do 24/7....

I'm beginning to think Chinese owned is better than jew controlled.

....Because they (tictoc) could potentially hide or promote information that could change US elections ...except that's what all of the companies like meta and alphabet do 24/7.... I'm beginning to think Chinese owned is better than jew controlled.
[–] 2 pts

No. I don't like the idea that we need the government to ban things. Ideally society would have been able to shame people to stop using it and let it die on its own. At the same time I'm not and won't be sad if it doesn't come back.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

My thoughts are that is the one platform the dem(on)s don't fully control and can't bribe them with dei money etc, so the narrative can get lost. Facebook, YouTube, etc all censored conservative thought and fact checked inconvenient truths, so they had to pass a law last year under the threat the Chinese would do what the dem(on)s were already doing.

And yes, I'm also 100% against censorship between adults.

[–] 2 pts

It's because they were showing/pushing videos of the truth in Gaza. All you need to do to realize that is look at the news regarding the cease fire as reported in the West vs on the ground. Israeli media is basically claiming Bibi was bent over, while Western media is the opposite.

[–] 1 pt

They're going mental on reddit. The whole front page is awash in weeping and wailing over "muh tiktok ban". I don't use it so I don't care one way or another.

If anything it proves the internet addiction to small bits of useless information.

If the jews can't control it they want it banned.

[–] 1 pt

Anything is better than jew controlled.

[–] 0 pt

The 2nd addition of the Patriot act is probably in the works.