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[–] 6 pts last month

I've never been to Spain, and the handful of Spanish and Portuguese I met were normal, decent, White people.

Don't understand what all the fuss is about. Are there darker Spaniards that have Moorish background or?

[–] 5 pts last month

Are there darker Spaniards that have Moorish background or?

These tapasniggers are similar to the pastanigger in Sicily.

[–] 3 pts last month

It's tricky, just like with the Greeks and Southern Italians. Ancient crossbreeding occurred.

[–] 3 pts last month

With Greeks it's different:


This is why some people go "OMG I didn't know Greeks had dark skin" or "OMG I didn't know Turks looked so White".

Of course jews made them do it.

To answer your first question, trust your instincts and make sure to meet her family and assess their looks.

[–] 2 pts last month

I got a look at her younger brother in a photo and that was reassuring - White as hell and had blonde child with a blonde woman