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[–] 1 pt last month

I am failing

[–] 1 pt last month

Get your shit straight, White man!

[–] 1 pt last month

I have my shit straighter than ever, there just aren't many nice ones. I still find them though. One last year didn't work out, but I have another right now.

How have you avoided failure?

[–] 1 pt last month

I can't really get into details but it took hard work and patience.

[–] 1 pt last month

I can make excuses for all the things I haven't done too. Or I can say "I am going to do these things, I haven't done this yet. This is my goal, how do I reach it?" Then write on a paper every "how" you need to accomplish to reach that goal. Be driven. Don't be a doomer.