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[–] 9 pts last month

It's all just a game of our biological imperative to reproduce successfully. Symmetry, proportion, our built-in biological preferences and visual cues of health and fertility all drive attractiveness. Women augment and enhance their aesthetic features to play towards our ingrained sexual measures of attractiveness so that they can improve their chances of mating with a healthy and genetically superior man. Similarly, men must present as healthy, virile, strong and aggressive in order to meet the ingrained female attraction measures.

The whole thing is designed to make many healthy and genetically superior offspring to carry your DNA into the future and assure our race and species prospers. That's why we don't tend to favor attractiveness not aligned to our specific racial instincts. Race mixing leads to inferior genetics and health dangers. Species mixing is abomination. That's why Whites do no find niggers attractive.

[–] 4 pts last month

It's a shame that so many beautiful White women have poison mRNA blood.

[–] 2 pts last month

Then there is the attractive white women who date niggers... they are mentally ill.

[–] 2 pts last month

Then there is the attractive white women who date niggers... they are mentally ill.

They were led astray by jews. jewry is mental illness manifest.

[–] 1 pt last month

How do ugly people exist then?

[–] 8 pts last month

How do ugly people exist then?

alcohol, drugs, rape, incest, niggers, jews

[–] 1 pt last month

Should we demand licenses to breed? So we actually improve the genetic stock as time goes on.

[–] 5 pts last month

The Industrial and subsequent agricultural, medical, sanitation, communication, etc Revolutions abrogated conditions that had historically kept the propogation of substandard generic material in check. We now find ourselves amidst throngs and hordes of literal mutants from the shallow stagnant genetic dead end of the pool.

[–] 2 pts last month

Great and succinct reply.

[–] 8 pts last month

I remember that feeling, that maddening satisfaction you get coming into your home after a long day of hard manual labor, only to walk into the smell of well-peppered steak sizzling on a cast iron skillet, as your lady is standing there, beaming at your entrance.

You walk in, disgusting with sweat, sore from the work, but she is just there, smiling at you in a knee-length polka dot skirt that looks like it is straight out of a 1950's sitcom.

And she walks towards you, and you go to take off your shoes, but before you can, she says "un ah ah" as she wags a chastising finger in your general direct.

"You forgot something..."

She turns her head 45 degrees to yours, and lays her forefinger directly on her cheek, demanding a kiss.

I am so foul, made of meat and muscle and hair, covered in sweat and dirt, and she is so clean, so delicate...

What could she possible want with a lunk like me...

But she does. For some God-forsaken reason, she is the one who wants me.

And in that moment, you really understand what it is.

[–] 7 pts last month

God, in his infinite wisdom had to give them pretty faces, child bearing hips and ample breasts or we might have killed them all off because of their incessant nagging.

Just kidding.

[–] 5 pts last month

What is a whamnyn anyway? Are you a doctor?

[–] 4 pts last month

The same way a very nice dish gets you hungry.

But it's all relative.

We all have different views on what we deem attractive or appetizing.

[–] 1 pt last month

To mask the heart.

[–] 1 pt last month

Pleasant to the eye is a working definition of attractive