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This is what's happening, right?

This is what's happening, right?
[–] 2 pts 2mo

So... Project Blue Beam? Anyone?

More like Project Blue Balls. Keep waiting.

[–] 2 pts 2mo

The drones? If that is all it really is, that was a lot of hype for nothing.

[–] 2 pts 2mo

Maybe the people doing this are just people. People are kinda stupid most of the time and life isn't Hollywood so in the end our lives will forever change for the worse because the strings are being pulled by stupid people. So it just kinda sucks.

All this. It all just kinda sucks but not enough to stop it. Boiling frog and that.

[–] 0 pt 2mo

Quite honestly, I don't give a shit if the aleeums are coming. I care about the context of my family and race in this.