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[–] 4 pts 2mo

I'm a nut shell 3rd season of Congress in 1871 they made a duplicate copy of the constitution in all caps making America a corporate entity placing all living being into a 2 party system once living one incorporated.

The yellow fringe on the flag represents Maritime law and military occupation.

Allot of people say when your in court you Identify yourself as the some executor to the estate of {under your legal name}. This way your not held accountable for the actions of a business but this only applies to non criminal behavior.

Check out Carl Miller know your constitution.

Check out Dr James wickstrom.

[–] 2 pts 2mo

Correct. So, when in court, you come to the head of the court, metaphorically stepping "aboard ship", and are thus under Maritime Law. You are Chattel to the corporation.

[–] 0 pt 2mo

Is this the same as sovereign citizen stuff?

[–] 1 pt 2mo
[–] 0 pt 2mo

There is a guy in Croatia who is very well dismantling this stuff and working with lawyers to create lawsuit and test it out in practice. So far they had one successful lawsuit they pulled off using this and will have a few more next year. I will try translate his results when they come and post it here, seem like interesting stuff that could actually work.

[–] 2 pts 2mo

I’m too often a vessel of hate. Does that count?

[–] 2 pts 2mo

The United States is a vassal of state of Israel.

[–] 2 pts 2mo

Grats on making red pill, my man

[–] 2 pts 2mo

This guy named Jordan Maxwell was the one talking about this a lot. Interesting rabbit hole and a lot of it really makes sense but I doubt anything a normal citizen would do in that framework would hold water.