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I'd like to do cross platform and cross browser bookmark syncing. (Waterfox and Chromium for now.)

It's free as in beer I'm wondering if I'm the customer or the product.

From their FAQ:

xBrowserSync uses PBKDF2 with 250,000 rounds of SHA-256 (as a comparison, LastPass’ key derivation uses a similar approach but with only 100,100 rounds by default).

The xBrowserSync source code is licensed under the GPLv3 license, which means you are free to take, modify and as long as you also release the source code under the same license. xBrowserSync is dependent on many other open-source libraries, check the package.json files in the repos for a list of dependencies.

I'd like to do cross platform and cross browser bookmark syncing. (Waterfox and Chromium for now.) It's free as in beer I'm wondering if I'm the customer or the product. From their FAQ: >xBrowserSync uses PBKDF2 with 250,000 rounds of SHA-256 (as a comparison, LastPass’ key derivation uses a similar approach but with only 100,100 rounds by default). > The xBrowserSync source code is licensed under the GPLv3 license, which means you are free to take, modify and as long as you also release the source code under the same license. xBrowserSync is dependent on many other open-source libraries, check the package.json files in the repos for a list of dependencies.

(post is archived)