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Pepperidge Farms remembers.

Pepperidge Farms remembers.

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt 3y

yeah and with all that fear porn and about the time 50 mill people had been locked down in two cities, some rightists began to say, shouldn't we ah stop all flights from china just in case. meanwhile the mainstream media had barely mentioned it except in passing, so nigh all leftists had barely encountered the fear porn because they never step outside that controlled frame. what they did mention however was the racist right's overreaction. then it got worse and a lot of people on the right said (but no right politicians) we need to stop all international flights this looks serious. eventually Trump and a few others said we should stop flights from China and the left went REEEE let's all party in china town.

then once the virus had gotten everywhere, thanks to no reaction when it was extremely obvious there should've been a reaction especially now knowing all we know about wuhan and military bio testing which meant it could've been extremely serious and a military threat (which proves the US military and govt knew exactly what it was all along or they would've taken it much more seriously), and it started to become known that the virus wasn't really that deadly or anything, the rightists (the people, not their fake representatives) said ok it's not that big of a deal let's just continue to live and maybe set up some extra field hospitals if necessary (they weren't) then the leftists had the total opposite reaction and acted like it was the biggest disaster in world history and the entire world needed to be locked down.

the whole way through they have had the exact opposite reaction to what was reasonable at the time, and that's still happening right now with vax passports despite vaccines incapable of stopping the spread. not one thing they have done has made any logical sense.