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Pepperidge Farms remembers.

Pepperidge Farms remembers.

(post is archived)

[–] 3 pts 3y

Hey, chicken shits... caught the flu in Dec 2019. Haven't worn a mask, but about half a dozen times when it couldn't be avoided. I don't clean grocery carts before I use them, don't wear gloves, don't stand 6ft away from people, and I don't "disinfect " my hands every 10 minutes with chemicals that guve you cancer. I have been sick zero fucking times since 2019. Know why? I have a healthy immune system, dumbass. I don't take medications, either. And should I ever get cancer... it's fenbendezole for me: no fucking chemo which killed my mother recently. Good luck with your germ phobia and your weak immune system. You are going to need it for what's coming next.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Don't talk about F.

They will take ot off the market if it becomes too popular.

Also you should take a little every once in a while. That way if you ever do get cancer you know F doesn't work on what you have and you do something else.

F doesn't work on oral/mouth cancer for example. I know this from a personal acquaintance who died.