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Pepperidge Farms remembers.

Pepperidge Farms remembers.

(post is archived)

[–] 7 pts 3y

that shit will come in handy for the next one they release. The one that actually kills.

[–] [deleted] 5 pts 3y (edited 3y)

Kills everyone who took the death jab because its unwise to release an actually deadly biological agent that isnt targeting a specific marker in the population because there isnt a way to keep it from killing you as well.

[–] 8 pts 3y

The mass depopulation theory doesn't make any sense to me, if it only targeted the vaxed then it would only target people who complied, and we know that they're lying about vax numbers, so that means you kill the 30% or so of the population compliant enough to get the vax and leave the people who are resistant to the propaganda alive...

I think the "vax will kill 600 gorillion people! omg!" stuff is just an attempt to redirect "omg corona is going to 600 gorllion people, omg get your vax and booster shot every 3 months!".

If you want my theory it's just a flex by the judeo-elite, to show that they can get people to take an experimental "treatment" for a non-existent pandemic, the vax will probably kill 5% max over the next two years, more likely under 2%.

IMO Killing everyone isn't the endgoal, exerting control is.

With corona restrictions they've set the precedent to be able to shut down ANYTHING they want, they don't need to be consistent. political rally or protest? Sorry it's a super-spreader event. BLM riot? nope, zero chance of any disease there! if people die from the vax then they're just collateral damage, having everyone take a shot, that they need to refresh every 6, 3, or even 1 month for the rest of their lives? Now that's control, before even getting into all the extra drugs people will need to treat side effects. They get money and power from this.

[–] 4 pts 3y

They have 7.5 billion people to kill to get to their desired 500 million number. You don't think they're going to want to kill off some of the compliant people, who make up 99% of the current population? That's a lot of killing, I'm pretty sure that they're going to want to take every opportunity available.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts 3y (edited 3y)

I think the economy is going to implode and there is no way to stop it. They will completely lose control of the cities regardless of what they do once there is no electricity and food so they just want to kill as many zombies as possible beforehand. Doesn't matter if they complied or not because everyone goes crazy when they and their children are starving to death. They would like to take out rural communities too because they actually have a chance to organize and form significant resistance once the big cities go postal.

[–] 2 pts 3y

The mass depopulation theory doesn't make any sense to me, if it only targeted the vaxed then it would only target people who complied

Im with you. I think theyre probably looking to test mRNA widely so the elites can start using it for some transhumanist shit. To cure their cancer and keep them living well beyond typical life expectancy

[–] 2 pts 3y

They've been purposefully creating "shortages" of food, materials, manufacturing, distribution, and constraining the energy with "green" bullshit, and preventing growth, even planning to reduce growth..

If you look at all of the shit they're doing economically today it seems to point to them planning for a future with a smaller population. Of course they could just be consolidating control over everything so that they can then ration it all out to the population, but reducing the population is a definite goal of theirs. Perhaps even reducing the western-born population in order to replace them with the third world and Chinese population.

[–] 2 pts 3y

It bothers me too, why would they want depopulation.. I have two semi workable theories that fit what's going on.

Killing off pop only makes sense if the world is heading for calamity, like Kerrington event that will stone age us and we need reduced pop to survive as a species on severely limited resources...

Or if we have peak oil /energy and we can no longer have the grace of cheap energy out of the ground to support forever growth. To save us from constant war and starvation of ever dwindling food and goods the powers that be will reduce it now. We have to go back to near preindustrial population to have sustainable lives. It would explain the nonsensical green energy policies and global warming bs and a lot of other dumb bs forced on us by our government, and china buying every ounce of energy and food they can.

[–] 1 pt 3y

I've got a better theory than "They're doing it to mass murder everyone and reduce the population"

That's an acceptable outcome, if it comes to that for them. But their real goal is to build an entirely dependent population. See the problem with the mRNA experiment is that it leads to a thing called ADE, Antibody Dependent Enhancement. Which is strangely named, but what it means is that it makes your immune system autistic about combating this virus. It can handle the variant it's designed for, but as the virus changes, it starts to fail harder and harder, only partially dealing with the new variants, until they multiply and build up and overwhelm your body, and bang, fuck, you're dead.

The key here, I suspect, is going to be the booster shots. They'll admit they fucked up, once they hit their target numbers. Some people will die, martyrs to their plan, and they'll reveal "oh no, we totally didnt know this would happen, despite it happening to 100% of the animals it was tested on in previous attempts to design a vaccine like this" and they'll say, the only way to avoid dying to ADE is to get your booster shot every 3/6/9/12/whatever months, so that your immune system can be updated, and you know how to fight the new variants.

Why? This creates a revenue stream for the pharma companies. Even if the government goes "we fucked up, we'll foot the bill" (really the taxpayers footing it) that's still a fuckton of free money for the pharma companies. Forever. Because if they stop, all those people will die.

be a marvelous way to control people too. No, you don't get to have a booster, you're too full of wrongthink. Boosters are for good boys and girls.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y

Acute toxicity, or poisoning is the only way “bio-weapons” work. There is no such thing as a live virus.