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Pepperidge Farms remembers.

Pepperidge Farms remembers.

(post is archived)

[–] 7 pts 3y (edited 3y)

I spoke to a handful of loved ones about it around January or February 2020. I told them I was very concerned about it, and in six months if it turned out to be nothing, I would eat crow. Last fall, I called and apologized to each of them.

However, it does make sense that insane billionaires would want to "guidestone" us. And Gates has said that we could "do a really good job on healthcare and vaccines to lower the population 10 or 15%".

So was the Covid a dropped pass? Not at all, you can tell by the filthy lying media owners screaming we must get the shot. The fake Covid scare was to get people to put something in their bodies they wouldn't normally agree to put there. Whether or not the vaccinated are actually causing a real Covid outbreak, or they've just taken personal poison, remains to be seen.

[–] 1 pt 3y

I mean, even without anything else. The birthrate in western countries went down even further and the increased burden, tax, emotional, etc, from this whole thing is enough to to cause conditions that will discourage fertility rates even more.

And yeah, I sounded like a borderline paranoid schizophrenic pre-existing western covid. Nobody has said I had any sort of point of wanting to be cautious about this and potential ramifications.

I onky got called racist for not trusting President Pooh and the Reds.