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Yeah I know there's no rational thought involved.

Yeah I know there's no rational thought involved.

(post is archived)

[–] 29 pts 3y (edited 3y)

Because your mental model of how the human mind works is wrong. Your internal model for the human mind is this:

  • We have goo sitting between our ears and you and I are the goo.

Instead, the human mind is better understood with this model:

  • We have goo between our ears.

  • This goo consists of layers and layers of structures.

  • Some of these structures are billions of years old.

  • Some of these structures are young as in millions of years old.

  • Most of our brain has specialized areas dedicated to specific tasks such as vision, sound, taste, motor control, heart control, circulatory control and so forth. We can think of these areas as networks and subnetworks. These networks and subnetworks have different amounts of networking between different subsystems, some more, some less and with varying degrees of networking specialization.

  • You and I, the person, the entity, they personality, the label assigned to us don't exist in the whole brain, we mostly only exist in the pre-frontal cortex. Just like the interface to Microsoft word is 5% of the code base of Microsoft Word where 95% of the code is hidden away doing the bulk of the work, you and I are just a fancy interface between the world and 95% of the subsystems sitting behind the pre-frontal cortex doing all the work.

  • As an interface to our brain, you and I (the pre-frontal cortex) have only one job to do: we primarily act as a kind of firewall / interface between the 95% of our brain and the world. We filter outbound and inbound information and provide limited and fluid interface for the 95% of the hidden brain to the outside world.

  • What we (the pre-frontal cortex) are not aware of is all of the subsystems interacting with us. We get signals from the rest of the brain but the signals are analog and we cannot tell what part of the brain is sending the data. This gives us (the pre-frontal cortex) the illusion that we are a single unit when in reality you and I are just a thin piece of wetware acting as something like a Microsoft word interface to the world for the rest of our brain.

  • By the same token, this also means that we are not aware of ALL OF THE THINGS that happen in secret hidden away from us in the rest of the brain. So, for example, most of us are perplexed why we cannot walk up to another pre-frontal cortex (another person identified by a label) and share some information and change that persons mind. As per above, the reason should become easy to visualize. That person is the Microsoft Word interface for the rest of the hidden brain, they have no control over what the rest of the brain does, what it learns and how it changes its mind about issues.

  • And, this gets us to the most interesting part of your question: why do brains do what they do despite the pre-frontal cortex (us) having access to all kinds of information and training to help us navigate the world better. I have a theory about this: the 95% of the brain that sits quietly looking at the world through us (the pre-frontal cortex) is really dumb and although some parts can be seen as a kind of personality, most of the subsystems have no grand unified concept of the world. The pre-frontal cortex (us) is just the brains interface to the world + maybe a kind of firewall. But, the pre-frontal cortex has almost zero impact on learning. The 95% of the hidden brain gets a lot of information through the interaction with the pre-frontal cortex, but, most of the information that it gets is via all of the input subsystems that make up our body and it learns about the world BY BYPASSING THE PRE-FRONTAL CORTEX.

In other words, the 95% of the hidden brain learns everything it learns through osmosis and very very little analysis is done of this information.

In fact, a large amount of studies have been done on this topic and what is noted over and over again (there are quite a few books on this you can read) is that the pre-frontal cortex (us) works really hard to JUSTIFY THE SELF CONTRADICTORY POSITIONS AND OPINIONS HELD BY THE 95% OF THE HIDDEN BRAIN.

This is why when you watch interviews with heroin or other addicts, you can literally watch their pre-frontal cortex (that person, that interface for that hidden brain) spend all of its time justifying their addiction related behaviours.

So, what effectively happens is that because our 95% hidden brain is simply absorbing information by osmosis, it can ONLY hold opinions about the world that it has absorbed from the world around it relatively recently.

Let me give you an example. Yesterday I had a conversation with a friend. I know him well, I do business with him, he is smart and knows a lot about a lot of things. But, he lives in an area where 100% of the information on radio television, newspapers, literally everywhere is pro mrna gene therapy propaganda. Yesterday he letrally told me that the gene therapy doesn't work but you will be less harmed when you get sick and that everything will go back to normal when we force the last 10% of the unvaxxed to be vaxxed so we have to drop the hammer on them and even put them in camps, prisons or worse.

He literally said that.

Now, if he had said that a few years ago, I would have gotten into an argument with him. Now? I'm angry, but I know that it isn't his opinion. The person I am talking to is merely an interface to the 95% of his hidden brain and because his hidden brain is literally floating in a pool of propaganda it has absorbed it and he (his pre-frontal cortex) is telling me all of that in order to try and rationalize and pull the incomprehensible self contradictory information into a coherent world view.

He literally is a puppet on a string and doesn't fully grasp it.

That is the answer to your question.

That is also the answer to why jews control media. They did not get together in a meeting to do this. Their species comes from a part of the world where they have natural sixth sense for understanding that if you control the information environment a brain sits in you control the brain. Now, we could sit him (his pre-frontal cortex) down and have him do exercises to actually work out the logic of of what he said and then re-formulate the logic into a new coherent narrative. But, the reality is he has a family, he has bills to pay, he is struggling like everyone else and his pre-frontal cortex (he the person labeled with a name) only has time and energy to try and cobble together the incoherent narrative that his 95% hidden brain absorbed into a narrative whole. All he can do is spit out opinions that were provided to him.

Or, to put it another way, I could change my friends opinion in only a few weeks time if I had the ability to take him out of the media cess pool and out of his friend group and insert him into the media pool that I sit in and with friends I hang out with.

This is how it works everywhere in all of the human species that exist today on our planet.

I wrote this down mostly for my self as I have been forced to figure this out over the last 5 or 6 years since Trumps election. I can finally provide a model of how our brains work that has past explanatory power and future predictive power. I am now at the point where I can fuck with these people just by asking questions and re-framing what they say into logic pretzels because you can now visualize the narratives as a separate dataset from the actual mechanics of the brain / pre-frontal cortex system you are dealing with.

It also gives us now a way to start thinking about how to apply filtering and error correction to how we gather data to provide to our people. It also gives us tools to start moving our people out of the cattle stations built around us by jews and out into freedom where we finally excise the non-white infection from our civilizations.

I hope you find some of this useful.

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[–] 4 pts 3y

This is an ingenious and coherent explanation pf how peoples minds work. I've had a nebulously similar idea for a while but I've never put it together as neatly as this. I've long been thinking that the path to success for us is to relentless try to use subversion to both hijack the lefts hysteria and implant more digestible redpills to normies. Out jew the jew so to speak. I have a number of ideas along these lines if you're interested.

[–] 5 pts 3y

Absolutely, post away, I would love to read.

Note, I did not invent anything new here, I just put together all the pieces that were scattered about. This is just standard troubleshooting procedure in the tech world ... well everywhere but tech is focused on systems, subsystems, categorization, definition of networking relationships. A lot of times you don't have full schematics, manuals or whatever and you have to figure the puzzle out.

Once you see it though, you cannot unsee it.

I want to hear your thoughts because I was forced to figure out this much (and this is quite crude, future refinement should lead to a sophisticated understanding of the entire system) once I understood what the problem was.

I have worked with a lot of jews and all of them have a kind of messiah complex where every fiber of theri being is imbued with a kind of 'our people know the truth, we are smarter than everyone, we are the chosen people thing'. The problem is that after watching them for a long time I don't see any intellect at all. What I see is a kind of autism that is embedded in their species because of inbreeding i presume and it tends to show it self as a species wide obsessive compulsiveness ususally for problems dealing with linguistics and abstract symbolic thought.

I too think that deconstructing their parasitic survival strategies and and reverse engineering what is going on is key to putting together strategies that will help us rid of this parasite from our civilization. We can do this for all of the other parasitic infestations as well.

[–] 2 pts 3y

This is just standard troubleshooting procedure in the tech world


You'd be surprised how often "standard troubleshooting procedure" works outside of the tech world. I first learn it fixing military jets, applied it to electronics, then tech, then my truck and car, then my motorcycle, my house, my A/C, etc etc. Properly learned, you can apply those skills to damned near anything. And as you apply them to more things you pare down what is and isn't needed, and become more of a master of said skills.

[–] 1 pt 3y

The point about rationalizing with your Neocortex what your reptile brain has decided to do, in the current case go along with the Scamdemic, is a central one indeed. Since we have seen it happen live and in a short time on front of our eyes, it has become very visible and visceral; the digital information networks certainly also helped proliferating the knowledge, and it's interesting and eye-opening to apply it to recent decades and centuries.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Great description! Ive watched a lot of people slowly descend down this path that you laid out via your explanation. People who I knew to be rational and smart, in my perspective, over the course of the last 10 years have been so inundated with propaganda and bullshit that they now hold insane nonsensical viewpoints.

When you present certain bits of information to them, they literally cannot process that info. Ive seen it over and over. They go quiet for a few seconds. You can almost see their eyes glaze over. This is probably the conscious part of the brain looking for a way to reconcile the contradictory info with the built up straw house world view. The brain fails as its an impossible task and short circuits. The 95% brain takes over, wipes the short term memory, and then suddenly that person starts talking about something totally different as if nothing had happened.

Its quite fascinating how this happens. I once talked to a person who had fainted due to a medical condition. They said that they had felt tired and dizzy at the time, and decided to lay down on the kitchen floor to relax. They then got off the floor and were shocked to find other people being alarmed. In their mind it was totally rational and they remember the full sequence of events including lying down. However, that persons SO watched them literally go stiff standing straight up and tilt forward careening headfirst towards the floor. Luckily they were caught before impact.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts 3y

You're pretty much spot on. We already have names for those parts of the brain: The conscious and the subconscious. Though perhaps your explanation is more effective as people might have preconceived notions of what the conscious and subconscious is.

One thing I want to add is that your inability to convince someone using "facts and logic" is actually a useful defense mechanism on their part. It's how the brain protects itself from easy manipulation by others. If I could change your behavior by citing some statistics, I could just as easily make up numbers on the spot to get you to do what I want.

Let me give you an example. Yesterday I had a conversation with a friend. I know him well, I do business with him, he is smart and knows a lot about a lot of things. But, he lives in an area where 100% of the information on radio television, newspapers, literally everywhere is pro mrna gene therapy propaganda. Yesterday he letrally told me that the gene therapy doesn't work but you will be less harmed when you get sick and that everything will go back to normal when we force the last 10% of the unvaxxed to be vaxxed so we have to drop the hammer on them and even put them in camps, prisons or worse.

I've had family members, who are otherwise intelligent people, tell me something similar. What so pernicious about it is the smarter the person, the better they are able to trap themselves. They take the facts they are given by the media, analyze them, and arrive at the only logical conclusion. Since they are logical, thorough and methodical people, they are sure of the answer. Their logic is foolproof. Of course, what they fail to consider is that the data they are working with is fabricated, designed in such a way so that they arrive at the inevitable conclusion. How do you even begin explaining to them that the very foundation of their worldview is built on lies?

[–] 5 pts 3y

>One thing I want to add is that your inability to convince someone using "facts and logic" is actually a useful defense mechanism on their part. It's how the brain protects itself from easy manipulation by others. If I could change your behavior by citing some statistics, I could just as easily make up numbers on the spot to get you to do what I want.

Aha! Holy shit, so I'm not the only one that has seen this. I JUST FIGURED THAT PART OUT A FEW WEEKS AGO. I had most of the pieces, but the entire writeup is based around the final piece of the puzzle being precisely as you described it. I finally realized that that the pre-frontal cortext (us) acts as a kind of firewall for exactly the reason that you describe.

It is also an absolute requirement in a social species like ours that is basically a genocide species. We basically organize into war parties and genocide other human tribes. It's just want we do. In order to war party, you have to have a kind of persistence of belief that cannot be overridden by the other war party you are going against. Evolution built the firewall into our genome as a survival strategy.

> I've had family members, who are otherwise intelligent people, tell me something similar. What so pernicious about it is the smarter the person, the better they are able to trap themselves. They take the facts they are given by the media, analyze them, and arrive at the only logical conclusion. Since they are logical, thorough and methodical people, they are sure of the answer. Their logic is foolproof. Of course, what they fail to consider is that the data they are working with is fabricated, designed in such a way so that they arrive at the inevitable conclusion. How do you even begin explaining to them that the very foundation of their worldview is built on lies?

Once again, another remarkable statement. I thought I was the first one to kind of frame it that way. I guess there are no new thoughts under the sun. That is exactly what I am starting to notice as well. Smart just means the pre-frontal cortex is better trained for the job that it is designed to do: act as a firewall / interface for the 95% hidden brain and consequently it just does a better job of rationalizing the internally inconsistent data that the hidden brain absorbs as it doesn't have any data correction mechanisms.

What an excellent post, glad to see others have figured this out too.

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[–] 1 pt 3y

Smart just means the pre-frontal cortex is better trained for the job that it is designed to do: act as a firewall / interface for the 95% hidden brain and consequently it just does a better job of rationalizing the internally inconsistent data that the hidden brain absorbs as it doesn't have any data correction mechanisms.

Just look to doctors. A highly prestigious profession wherein every person must follow the current trends, no matter how many people they personally kill. A profession that takes many decades of learning and practice to become good at, requiring a certain amount of intellect and dedication to follow through with that isn't present in the average populace.

And still, there they are, intubating people with the common cold, prescribing incredibly addictive opioids to idiots with a slight pain caused by being fat when they could buck the trend and assign them to a dietician.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y

In the ex-mil world there's a term "Sheep or sheepdog?"

The vast majority of folks are better served, at least in a primitive violent world, by allowing the strong chemical reactions in the primitive part of the brain to override prefrontal rationality because running and hidding or staying in the middle of the pack is quick and easy decision. No deliberation required. Sheep.

Some folks, either via temperment or training, can prefrontal their way out of dangerous situations at similar speeds to a gut/knee jerk fear reaction. Kudos to them. I would like to think I occupy that spot in the herd most of the time.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y (edited 3y)

It's impressive that you were able to deduce all of this on your own. I've read a book or two that pointed me in the right direction. One that I recommend is On Intelligence(amazon.com) by Jeff Hawkins. It's from 2005 so not exactly cutting edge, but the main ideas hold. It will help you fill in the gaps.

Your post raises many interesting points for philosophical discussion. One point is how brain stores information. It's easy to abstract away the brain as an information storage mechanism akin to a hard drive or flash memory. But the brain's way of storing and retrieving information is very different. It's a physical organ made up of cells that form connections to each other, and each cell is a very complex object (each cell is like a city) that has memory. With a hard drive you can easily reformat it or rewrite large parts of it. But how do we do that with the brain and is there even an API to do it? Connections in the brain are strengthened through use and weakened through disuse. When you ask someone to fundamentally change their worldview, those changes must be reflected in the physical structure of the brain. Strengthening the right connections and weakening others takes time and repetition, and the bigger the change, the more work it requires.

[–] 2 pts 3y

That being said, you can override that protective mechanism by doing exactly what you said if you sound convincing enough. "Making up numbers on the spot to get one to do what you want" as you said. Another way to override their protective mechanism is to ask leading questions and dropping a subtle redpill here and there, and then getting them to redpill themselves via answering those questions. If you push too hard, they'll fight back against it, but if you're subtle enough that doesn't kick in.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts 3y

Even if you cite a study in a well respected journal like Nature, if it doesn't fit with their worldview they will find reasons to reject it. The desire to reject that which does not fit comes first, and motivated reasoning follows. They will find some way of rejecting your data no matter how many data sources you cite.

I believe that a technique used in street epistemology could be effective. From how street epistemology is used, it's mainly a tool to get people to doubt their religious beliefs. And that's pretty much what we are facing. The first step is to open their mind to the possibility that they could be wrong. To sow that seed of doubt that will hopefully grow.

It goes something like this:

Q: On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being not sure at all, and 10 being absolutely sure with no doubt in your mind, how sure are you that your belief is true? A: 10 Q: How do you know it's true? What do you base your belief on? A: Faith. Q: I talked to a Muslim the other day. He believes that your god doesn't exist and that Allah is the one true god. He's also at a "10" and he also got there through faith. What would you say to him? Follow up Question: Is faith a reliable way to get at the truth?

It's Socratic dialog adapted to a specific purpose. I'm sure it can be adapted to weaken the NPC brainwashing about covid and mainstream media.

For example, we could work the Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect into the script:

“Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray’s case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story backward reversing cause and effect. I call these the “wet streets cause rain” stories. Paper’s full of them. In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story, and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate about Palestine than the baloney you just read. You turn the page, and forget what you know.” – Michael Crichton

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[–] 2 pts 3y

This is one of the most fascinating and interesting posts Ive read on Poal to date

[–] 1 pt 3y

Can you take this: "a whole bunch of shit"

And make it this: "something short a man has time to read."

[–] 0 pt 3y

Most people are idiots and don't actually take time to critically think out their positions, instead letting jewish media think for them.

Boom now you don't have to read 10 paragraphs.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Great explanation.

Not sure how my theory fits into this, but here goes:

Ego run amok and willful ignorance.

Their ego overrides their survival instinct, making it literally impossible for them to imagine, much less accept, that they’ve been hoodwinked most of their lives.

Any info that would support that they’re wrong is immediately dismissed, because they’ve gone too far down the woke-road to admit they aren’t as smart and clever as their posting history proclaims.

These people have intellectual blindspots that conveniently support their nonsensical political beliefs.

[–] 0 pt 3y

That is also the answer to why jews control media. They did not get together in a meeting to do this. Their species comes from a part of the world where they have natural sixth sense for understanding

introduce your brain goo to the Protocols of Zion

[–] 6 pts 3y

Natural selection has been stopped by civilization

the effect is real

[–] 3 pts 3y

Dutton would say it's worse than that, natural selection is reversed by civilization

[–] 2 pts 3y

Welfare/gibs/charity to the shitskins is absolutely reversing natural selection

[–] 2 pts 3y (edited 3y)

It's not really civilization that does it though. It's the socialism and nanny state governments doing this.

It a moral society people carry the burdens of their mistakes. This sometimes includes death. Which, of course, changes the gene pool. As does disfigurement and disability.

The problem isn't civilization. It's the notion that no one should be accountable for their own behavior. This means genetics continue uninhibited. In fact, it means the worst of genetics continue uninhabited. Idiocracy.

Society at large isn't the issue. It's the degenerative aspects of a broken, diverse, and fractured society which does this.

In a nut shell, all the natural inclinations of a patriarchal society created by whites is naturally resistant to this nonsense. Whereas all of the Jewish influences (feminism, matriarchy, social justice, socialism, communism, fascism, crony capitalism, government healthcare, usuary, current insurance concepts, and so on), on society which creates this negative cycle. Allowing idiocracy to emerge.

In short, it's not society. It's the Jewish influence on every aspect of society.

[–] 0 pt 3y

I see now this is why wars happen. Too many stupid are bred and they start causing too many problems, they numbers / vote start overruling the safe and sufficient, and they'd rather go to war than have the iq capacity to know it's impossible to get what they are demanding for .

It's just amazing to find in the modern world, who ended up being too iq to properly allow a functioning society.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Yeah, could be, in any case we are in a real mess

Pain will hit everybody, regardless on how stupid or smart we are

[–] 5 pts 3y

My class never had to read 1984 back in the '60' and '70's. We did read Animal Farm, and the teacher explained it to the slower types.

[–] 5 pts 3y

We didnt read 1984. I graduated in 2012, but Animal Farm is all I needed to recognize tyranny from a young age.

[–] 4 pts 3y

For one thing, the previous generation had Spark Notes so they didn't even have to buy Cliff notes. Second, No Child left Behind and Common Core removed requirements for actually reading.

[–] 3 pts 3y (edited 3y)

Because people aren't as smart as you give them credit for. Abstract reasoning is incredibly rare in the population. Most people are wholly incapable of holding to a simple principle. Even on voat and poal there are tons of people who just cannot when it comes to the principles of freedom and liberty. Most humans fall prey to the "it's ok to do it to the 'bad guys'" mentality, and that's the whole problem. Everybody's a 'bad guy' to somebody so the day they get into power they go to work stripping freedoms from the 'bad guys.' A society that's truly free doesn't allow that, but the overwhelming majority of people want to do that. That's why the original Constitution had everything except the House of Representatives and the Vice President insulated from direct voting, but over time we've slowly eroded those protections. That's what Benjamin Franklin was talking about when he told the Constitutional delegation that they have a republic, "if you can keep it."

[–] 3 pts 3y

Only about 5 kids in the entire school actually read the book. If you went to public school at all, even in the 80's and 90's it was a glorified daycare.

[–] 2 pts 3y

Unfortunately too many people took it as a training manual instead of a precautionary tale.

[–] 2 pts 3y



[–] 2 pts 3y


you think they actually read it?

[–] 2 pts 3y

Its bizarre how left wing has been flipped to pro establishment and right wing is for freedom.

[–] 1 pt 3y

For part of it, follow the money. When GW Bush was President the biggest company in the world was Exxon Mobil, from a notoriously conservative industry. Now, it's like Apple from a notoriously left wing industry. The economy is flipped on its damn head since the US can't produce anything any more since that's "bad for the environment".

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