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[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y

The survival rate isn't the problem of Covid19 but the infection rate.

Yes, the survival rate IS really important and the covid should never be called a "deadly disease". It isn't.

If only 1000 people get infected only 2 of them will die but if 100,000 people get infected every day it's another story.

You can't stop a virus no matter how hard you try. It will spread all over the world and a majority of people will get it.

And if we have something to prevent those deaths why no use it?

The media is against HCQ and Ivermectin and the shots they are calling vaccines are gene therapy that do not protect you from getting the vaccine nor death from the vaccine. Do you even go outside anymore? It's dangerous out there. Oh wait, its dangerous inside too! How do you make it through the day knowing you might die at any minute from any number of things?

[–] 0 pt 3y

You can't stop a virus no matter how hard you try. It will spread all over the world and a majority of people will get it.

It depends on the virus but I agree that for Covid19 it now seems like that way. I'm not sure if I would call Covid19 deadly but because of the high transmissibility I wouldn't deny that it is a serious disease.

There are ways to check if something is beneficial against a disease and if you don't belief those results I can't help you. If you don't know how it is done: there are two groups of people, one group gets the thing we want to check and the other group is a control group but they don't know which group they belong to. The two group are compered and if something is beneficial it should be visible in the results. Isn't that a good way to check? And certainly more accurate than facebook rumors.

My life is mostly back to normal except I wear a mask when I use public transportation and while shopping. I was never concerned about my health. The only thing I hoped that it will not happen was that I have to need medical help while hospitals are overcrowded but in my country it never looked bad and it seem like it is under control and I am thankful for that.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y

It depends on the virus but I agree that for Covid19 it now seems like that way.

How does it depend on the virus? Do some viruses decide to be nice and not spread? ;)

I'm not sure if I would call Covid19 deadly but because of the high transmissibility I wouldn't deny that it is a serious disease.

It's the common cold which has always been pretty contagious but that doesn't make it a serious disease.

There are ways to check if something is beneficial against a disease and if you don't belief those results I can't help you.

Taking away all my rights and destroying the economy is not in the least beneficial against this virus and if you believe that there is no one that can help you. You are a slave who demands everyone else be a slave like you. You truly believe the Devil's Motto: the ends justifies the means though I am not sure if you are even capable of realizing that or what it actually means....

[–] 0 pt 3y

How does it depend on the virus? Do some viruses decide to be nice and not spread?

Not all viruses spread in the same way. You can catch Influenza through the air but not HIV.

It's the common cold which has always been pretty contagious but that doesn't make it a serious disease.

The common cold usually doesn't make hospitals overcrowded in multiple places all over the world so it is reasonable to deal with Covid19 in a different way but I would not argue against that the global response was not reasonable. I didn't say anything in favor of taking away rights or destroying the economy. I just said that a lot of people are dying (the absolute number, not the fatality rate) and we know how to reduce deaths and it is reasonable to use that knowledge.

I'm glad that you didn't argue against the method of making sure something is beneficial against a disease because it would be stupid.