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America. Did this get passed? Thry did it during the communist cultural revolution the hippie drug revolution...

That was worse then the Civil war

America. Did this get passed? Thry did it during the communist cultural revolution the hippie drug revolution... That was worse then the Civil war

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt 3y (edited 3y)

I remember back in my libertarian days..

"see.. We are not they real racists.. They are..record numbers of legal immigrants.. The magnet of benefits ia what attracts them.. We don't need no wall"


They ll come regardless.

It's not the benefits.

Even if they live in a shit hole half the size of their home back home, it is still an improvement.

Mostly because they are not surrounded by people like them.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Everyone hates whites but they all want to live with us.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Have a leftie friend that after Covid, she temporarily moved to a red state.

She doesn't want to go back to Chicago.. But she ia still a leftie.

Lefties have been consistently ruining Things for everyone since The beginning Of time.