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The Elite are pulling out all stops to criminalize non vaxxed.

Lies 24/7 on Propaganda Media.

God, I pray those than can wake up, will wake up now and see the light, the truth of it all, slavery and control of humanity.

Creator, please intervene in our affairs, we screwed up, we're asking for forgiveness and help.

We have nothing left to lose if they gain more minds. Please pray in your way to your God.

The Elite are pulling out all stops to criminalize non vaxxed. Lies 24/7 on Propaganda Media. God, I pray those than can wake up, will wake up now and see the light, the truth of it all, slavery and control of humanity. Creator, please intervene in our affairs, we screwed up, we're asking for forgiveness and help. We have nothing left to lose if they gain more minds. Please pray in your way to your God.

(post is archived)

[–] 19 pts 3y

I'm looking for a global spiritual awakening, for real.

But yes, we are under tremendous pressure, and I knew it was coming but to actually see it going down...it is a wonder, and not a good one, to behold.

[–] [deleted] 9 pts 3y

It's like our politicians are under hypnosis or some other fuckery. Who's pulling the strings, logic says follow the money.

Who has the money? Why has not a single legit politician from either side of the aisle not talking??

How can they do this to humanity without anyone standing up and saying no??

Ya, we really need God right now. One that kicks ass and cares about us.

[–] 24 pts 3y


[–] 2 pts 3y

This is exactly what I firmly believe, yes.

"Judgment has come upon them to the uttermost."

[–] 11 pts 3y

Absolutely, we are in the eleventh hour and supernatural intervention (via means and second causes) is the only thing that will save us now.

I believe they indeed are under the power of Satan, the "god of this world."

And it's not only money, it's ideology, the combination whereof is hard to defeat.

[–] 4 pts 3y

This life isn't critical to God.

He gave this world to Satan and us the gift of free will. It's on us that Satan now rules humanity

[–] 2 pts 3y

Everyone thought it was the end of the world in their time. This is no different. This really ain’t shit if you’re honest about it. Imagine living through the plague. Or maybe the early 1900s ww 1 ww 2 influenza. Or maybe when ghengis Kahn came rolling through town. We have serious problems no doubt about it but it’s all fixable. Wax and wane.

[–] 4 pts 3y (edited 3y)

If this 60% of mRNA vaxxed have microclots, then at this point the gov is trying to force everyone to get vaxxed so that there's no unvaccinated left to compare to. If the remainder of people refuses to get vaccinated, it'll be obvious whether or not the vaxx is the one messing people up

[–] 0 pt 3y

Microclots AND microbots!

[–] 7 pts 3y

Edgar Cayce said the second coming of Christ would happen when Jesus was reborn in 1999. When asked what/who He was later on, he stated that Jesus was the Collective (un)Conscious (in a Jungian sense). So basically the Internet will be what destroys and saves us.

What a timeline to witness.

[–] 2 pts 3y

You ever heard that prophecy of the last pope? I’m not gonna look it up right now but I think this is the last one. Not that I belivee it but who isn’t fascinated by the potential end of humanity. Don’t we all secretly ache for the end of days. Humanity is sick.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Peter the Roman? Yeah, it's pretty plausible.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Well hes a Jesuit so it makes sense

[–] 1 pt 3y

I have been thinking something like that. I have been formulating a hypothesis that as Christianity is further attacked, subverted, and weakened, it will be driven underground. Once this happens, I believe that is when all the weak are filled, and only the strong and angry will be left. It is then, I think the second coming will be the unleashing of this collective will.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y

So, Jesus was born in 1999? Will he just fuck around until he turns 30 years old like last time? So, let me get my calculator out and... hmmm... So he keeps everybody in the dark until 2029? Covid vax should depopulate the world pretty much by then. So THAT's why the bible talks about a remnant. I get it now. OT Yahweh killed and killed people, NT Yeshua just let's them die off like lemmings. So much better.


[–] 2 pts 3y

The Kali Yuga (iron age) ends in 2025; the Mahbahrata(sp?) Says Kalki (the Final Avatar of Wotan... hitler being one) will come down on his White Horse with Flaming Sword - aka on his Vimana, which is a disc of light (ufo orb) and kill all the sinners in our time of greatest need.

The longer things go on the more I believe. It will get a lot worse before it gets better.

[–] 5 pts 3y

That's the thing about people who have been wronged on a scale like this and have nothing left to lose: they can be some of the most dangerous people alive.

I'm not condoning violence, just stating a fact.

[–] 3 pts 3y

"God helps those who help themselves"

[–] 0 pt 3y

Cant expect god to do all of the work.

[–] 1 pt 3y

When people lose everything, they lose it.

[–] 4 pts 3y

We had it 6 years ago.

Trump hijacked it so he could kill it.

Mission accomplished.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Trump. I had such high hopes. Just for the simple fact that he basically said “fuck you” to all The other Republicans. Iv come to the realization though that these problems we face will not be solved in a nice peaceful way. It’s gonna get ugly.!

[–] 1 pt 3y

Trump pissed off all the right people and lit the right fires. But the guy is just a man who has faults and flaws. Anyone who expected the guy to go full-1488 is an idiot - he's not that kind of guy, and even if he was, they would have assassinated him.

We wouldn't be this far, with this many people waking up, and this many people resisting the depop shot if Hillary had won. Take the fires that Trump lit and spread them to everything.