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The Elite are pulling out all stops to criminalize non vaxxed.

Lies 24/7 on Propaganda Media.

God, I pray those than can wake up, will wake up now and see the light, the truth of it all, slavery and control of humanity.

Creator, please intervene in our affairs, we screwed up, we're asking for forgiveness and help.

We have nothing left to lose if they gain more minds. Please pray in your way to your God.

The Elite are pulling out all stops to criminalize non vaxxed. Lies 24/7 on Propaganda Media. God, I pray those than can wake up, will wake up now and see the light, the truth of it all, slavery and control of humanity. Creator, please intervene in our affairs, we screwed up, we're asking for forgiveness and help. We have nothing left to lose if they gain more minds. Please pray in your way to your God.

(post is archived)

[–] 5 pts 3y

they wont stop. They are ushering in the reign of the antichrist. The ruling elite are willing and evil servants. The complacent sheep are being led to slaughter.

[–] 1 pt 3y

Maybe, or maybe the Kalergi Plan is to eliminate 2-3 billion people from the planet by 2035 and usher in the age of the robots.

[–] 1 pt 3y

"We can't expect god to do all the work"