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My intention is not to troll at work, and I will probably only get to ask one or maybe two questions before I get muted on the telecon, so I ask you magnificent retards; what would be the most intelligent questions to ask, that will seem innocuous but switch people on to the fact that this is unadulterated fucking bullshit.

My intention is not to troll at work, and I will probably only get to ask one or maybe two questions before I get muted on the telecon, so I ask you magnificent retards; what would be the most intelligent questions to ask, that will seem innocuous but switch people on to the fact that this is unadulterated fucking bullshit.

(post is archived)

[–] 5 pts 3y (edited 3y)

Don't stick your neck out.


...but just for fun.

I'd ask what kind of testing has been done on the long term side effects.

It's simple but it forces the vaccine weasel to give an answer he doesn't want to give ("none"). If you ask what the effects are on reproductive health or something like that he could weasel out with "there's nothing to show it causes any harm".

[–] 1 pt 3y

I like this one too, appreciate your input you magnificent retard.

[–] 1 pt 3y

It's good to be recognized by my proper title, thanks.