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My intention is not to troll at work, and I will probably only get to ask one or maybe two questions before I get muted on the telecon, so I ask you magnificent retards; what would be the most intelligent questions to ask, that will seem innocuous but switch people on to the fact that this is unadulterated fucking bullshit.

My intention is not to troll at work, and I will probably only get to ask one or maybe two questions before I get muted on the telecon, so I ask you magnificent retards; what would be the most intelligent questions to ask, that will seem innocuous but switch people on to the fact that this is unadulterated fucking bullshit.

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt 3y

GREAT question here.

[–] 2 pts 3y

A retired physician friend of mine asked me yesterday if I had taken the vaxx(s) after he said he’s taken both.

As this friend is very outspoken, I thought it was going to be the last convo we were going to have/I anticipated a fight.

I (gently) replied with just the first part, “Aren’t long term studies supposed to be the number one criteria for determining if you’re going to write a drug?”

He seemed a little surprised at the question and (to his credit) sheepishly said yes.

For me it just proves that if you don’t actively follow your head, your emotions can destroy you.