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My wife received an "official email" from her employer stating that vaccinated employees no longer have to do all the Covid theatre with the masks, temp checks, questionnaires, etc. Non-vaccinated employees, such as my wife, however, are still treated as "unclean ones", and must continue to do all of the above. Which has the result of her being singled out by her coworkers as an "anti-vaxxer", etc. It's also, I'm quite sure, a precursor into their next step; making the jab mandatory for employment.
I'm not trying to get multiple posts about how she needs to "stop being a cuck" and throw away her mask, etc; I'm wanting to know just how actually legal/illegal it is for an employer to incentivize getting a non-FDA medical treatment like this, and what, if anything, she can do, legally speaking, to fight back without losing her job in the process.

Edit for clarification, because some of these answers are for a slightly different question: She is technically not being required to get the jab (yet); she's just being forced to wear an article of clothing, etc, that other employees are not, based solely on her personal health decisions. Someone below even said their employer offered $1K to incentivize employees to get [this still very much non-FDA approved, "emergency use only" treatment]. Wow, that's a bad thing to be in any way legal.

My wife received an "official email" from her employer stating that vaccinated employees no longer have to do all the Covid theatre with the masks, temp checks, questionnaires, etc. Non-vaccinated employees, such as my wife, however, are still treated as "unclean ones", and must continue to do all of the above. Which has the result of her being singled out by her coworkers as an "anti-vaxxer", etc. It's also, I'm quite sure, a precursor into their next step; making the jab mandatory for employment. I'm not trying to get multiple posts about how she needs to "stop being a cuck" and throw away her mask, etc; I'm wanting to know just how *actually* legal/illegal it is for an employer to incentivize getting a non-FDA medical treatment like this, and what, if anything, she can do, legally speaking, to fight back without losing her job in the process. Edit for clarification, because some of these answers are for a slightly different question: She is technically not being *required* to get the jab (yet); she's just being forced to wear an article of clothing, etc, that other employees are not, based solely on her personal health decisions. Someone below even said *their* employer offered $1K to incentivize employees to get [this still very much non-FDA approved, "emergency use only" treatment]. Wow, that's a bad thing to be in any way legal.

(post is archived)

[–] 33 pts 3y (edited 3y)

I'd advise she contact a lawyer who specializes in EEOC cases at the very least. I can point you to a few helpful articles - such as this one(lifesitenews.com) but there's no substitute for actual legal advice.

My brother-in-law works at a company where just such behavior was happening. One employee had their lawyer contact the company CEO and VP of HR and all the harassment stopped.

Edit: In another comment I madeI shared a post related to a woman sent home from work by Target. I dug into the firm mentioned in that article and found their legal intake form(americasfrontlinedoctors.org) for use by those seeking legal assistance. I have no idea whether the firm is any good, but it might help to speak with them.

[–] 22 pts 3y

My wife works in talent acquisition. She knows how "the game" is played. Employees like that will eventually be terminated. Everyone will know the real reason why, but the reason given will be something very petty like, "They were late to work twice last year and there have been anonymous complaints that they used vulgar language once."

[–] 11 pts 3y

Employees who don't bend will be forced out or made uncomfortable enough to leave on their own. I agree with you there. The employees you need to worry about are the ones who have proven to you that they will involve a lawyer. Lawsuits are a pain in the arse for companies to resolve.

[–] 8 pts 3y (edited 3y)

Especially when they involve something like 100s of thousands of doctors, scientists and others are publically crying out for. They are screaming at people, "this is an EXPERIMENT! Do not inject yourself with an unknown toxic chemical! If you're still here after a year and change you're already immune!!"

[–] 2 pts 3y

If it's an at will state no reason will be given if the company is smart.

[–] 0 pt 3y

"You're being fired for 'cause'."


"Just cause."

So no specific cause?

"For many different reasons but no specific one."

[–] 0 pt 3y

You can't get fired for yelling fuck at the top of your lungs. Like they literally can't fire you for talking.

[–] 9 pts 3y

I have to believe that is the beginning of the end. I was written up twice in one day over how I parked at work- the 3rd write up in 30 days apparently is grounds for termination. They have all the power.

[–] 5 pts 3y

Hopefully you are already looking for another job. I would have started at the first write up.

[–] 3 pts 3y

Can you reveal the company name? We need a place to post these Communist employers.

[–] 3 pts 3y

How is that related at all to communism? I see a lot of people throwing this accusation around lately and I am genuinely curious as to why you are attributing it to that.

[–] 1 pt 3y

Hmm, explains why so many folks 'go postal' at their former places of employment

[–] 3 pts 3y (edited 3y)


Especially any & all correspondence from her work/bosses/owners/managers, official and not-so official, and have her take another look at her official employee handbook (to see if it has been changed and/or updated).

If she starts now with making copies of all of these things, plus her written account of things that are occurring that aren’t listed in the official emails, texts, handbook,...etc., (a daily handwritten log book) she’ll have even more of a slam dunk case when her employers go full-woke and she gets an attorney.

If’s the rare person who documents these things, which is why when it’s evidence in court it will look even better for her case.

She should obviously keep this to herself and don’t let on she’s protecting herself.

In times like these, a “great friend” at work could burn you down if they thought it would save their job.

[–] 0 pt 3y

This is the best advice so far.

[–] 20 pts 3y

She doesn't have to reveal medical history/status to her employer. No one can force you to share your HIPAA.

There's a lawfirm out there fighting the mandatory vaccinations for this, but I don't remember their name.

[–] 22 pts 3y (edited 3y)

This is what's bizarre to me. It's like HIPAA went out the window for this. It should be this simple:

Employer: "Did you get your covid vaccination?"

Employee: "Id rather not reveal my medical information."

Employer: "Fair enough."

Same with masks:

Employer: "We require a mask to enter the building."

Employee: "I have personal reasons that don't allow me to wear a mask."

Employer: "Fair enough."

[–] 20 pts 3y

Employers aren't even supposed to be allowed to ask you "did you get a vaccine". That's a violation of HIPAA. The most they can do, is ask "Do you have any medical conditions that may affect your ability to do your duties or remain safe?", which is a reasonable question, which you can lie about, or answer "I'd rather not say."

Now, they get to check your fucking temperature every day. It's a slippery slope- now they want your temp and covid test results. Soon they'll want your blood, your genetic profile, etc..

[–] 7 pts 3y (edited 3y)

That's exactly where we are going. Question though; Why can schools ask for vaccination records?

[–] 1 pt 3y

Yep Gatica. Your blood test determines the height of your potential.

[–] 0 pt 3y
[–] 10 pts 3y

We are being conditioned to reveal our medical history to the people we shouldn't be revealing our medical history too as well!

[–] 9 pts 3y

Not only that, its almost a forced topic in any social interaction now.

[–] 3 pts 3y (edited 3y)

I did that at costco, and the guy asked what my exemption was. More later Apologies, had to run. Anyway, we were finishing shopping and a couple different employees continued to question us on the mask thing. As we were paying we were told our membership fees would be refunded, and we could not shop there any more. Paid and left, have not been back. Got a renewal notice the other day, with a 10$ " gift voucher " if we renew. If they pursue the mask thing, I'm out. They have good beef, and are a good store for bulk, pantry building, and expansion, but, I will take my shekels elsewhere rather than go woke.

[–] 2 pts 3y

My exemption: My Brain REQUIRES a high level of Oxygen, or else I'll become as dull as a mask wearer, perhaps even collapse on someone and (shudder!) contaminate them with my bodily fluids!

[–] 2 pts 3y

You can't really rely on HIPAA as much as you'd think. It's mostly focused around health care providers and HR departments. In most cases you can use it to scare someone off but that doesn't work when someone understands the nuances.

[–] 0 pt 3y

How is that? Im not arguing because I've never (like most) looked into it. Just curious.

[–] 10 pts 3y

Never thought things would come to this. Astonishing.

[–] 6 pts 3y

Seriously? Most of the rest of us could see the writing on the wall by the end of those infamous "just two weeks"

[–] 6 pts 3y

"It'll take 2 weeks of inconvenience to get 80% of the idiots to surrender the rights for all." This is the elongated form.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Right, I guess I mean thinking about it and actually seeing it come to pass.

[–] 9 pts 3y

OSHA is now considering any damages caused by employers forcing people to take an exipimental vaccine fully liable and will be considered a work related injury. If they force her to take it, you can sue them because they are creating an unsafe work environment. She goes blind? Sue the company for $10 million, if she dies, go for the $100M. It’s been proven that it doesn’t provide immunity and you can still spread it. The vaccine doesn’t even meet the criteria or definition of a vaccine, by their own standards.

[–] 7 pts 3y

"sue the company for 10 million" hahahaha

You're talking about punitive damages ...going blind likely carries a cap onto it. I had a carpenter friend in high school who went onto become an apprentice. One day the "boss" told him to use unsafe equipment (table saw that had guards removed for a piece of wood way to large for it. He was told do it or to leave and not show up ever again. Long story short, he lost 4 fingers. 3 couldn't' tbe attached correctly and he now has just 1 mangled mess and a thumb. He sued, the company paid him the "legal limit" which was around 50 grand. He ended up hiring a lawyer for punitive damages and the case is still held up (he spent the 50K and now has no career, no left hand, and no hope). This was 13 years ago.

Don't ever fucking listen to a "boss" when it comes to your health. Ever. They are worried about their bottom line/pockets/contacts. Never you. Ever.

As far as this thread, the advice given is right. Remain employed (don't ever quit) force them to fire you. Hire a lawyer that specializes in discrimination lawsuits and fight the motherfuckers.

[–] 0 pt 3y (edited 3y)

Agree with you 100% on not fucking with employers, they'll find a way to get you, good advice. And I know they've added limits to lawsuits in some states. But according to tort law, what our system is based on, if someone robs or prevents you from earning 10 dollars, they owe you 10 dollars. Not punitive, or punishment, but if you die and could have earned $10 mm in your remaining life, then they owe you $10 mm.

[–] 0 pt 3y

$10 mm ? millimeter dollars ?

What's the weather like in Tel Aviv today , Herschel ?

[–] 0 pt 3y

And he never went to see with with a shotgun and blew their lid? Is your friend a cuck? Id ruin them.

[–] 1 pt 3y

I bet you would tough guy (/s)

[–] 0 pt 3y

This shit right here. I'm no lawyer but the moment you agree to do something unsafe, if you actually have a legitimate complaint, you take on some of the responsibility. The amount will vary depending on the judge and the act.

If you just refuse to do it and get fired, 100% of the responsibility is put on the employer for attempting to create an unsafe work environment.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Don't ever fucking listen to a "boss" when it comes to your health. Ever. They are worried about their bottom line/pockets/contacts. Never you.

Your health is dependent on your ability to remain employed, you can't go through life losing every job because you're afraid to take risks.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Your ability to remain employed is determined by your health. You can’t expect to attain or keep employment if you’re not physically fit to do the job.

[–] 3 pts 3y

They’re also giving out unsolicited medical advise and they are not medical professionals. They are trying to use coercion to make her take an unsafe and unproven gene replacement therapy against her will. That’s against the Nuremberg Code. They would be executed like the Nazis who were just following orders. Like the people in the media were also executed during the same trials.

[–] 6 pts 3y

Bro, just have her lie about getting it. It's confidential information and she doesn't have to prove it. Also, @Professor_de_la_Pazis correct, lawyer up.

[–] 8 pts 3y (edited 3y)

Anecdotal to be sure, but a neighbor of mine was being pressured to get the shot. He said he would, then scheduled time on his calendar so his boss would know he was leaving early to get it. He went home early instead. He then put another meeting on the calendar for three weeks later for his 'follow-up' shot. He's scheduled for that in a few days. From what he was telling me he plans on being out sick with side effects the next day too.

All this and he doesn't have to show them the CDC card because that has vaccine lot number info on it, which the company deems personal. It's on the honor system.

Edit: spelling.

[–] 2 pts 3y

he plans on being out sick with side effects the next day too.

Your neighbor sounds awesome. May he have many children.

[–] 2 pts 3y

He and his wife have three boys and a girl. They're Finnish and are the whitest people I've ever met. :-)

[–] 1 pt 3y

It won't be on the honor system for long. "Your" special number will be "in the system" for ALL to check. They will claim they are not violating hippa, but ONLY to make sure you and all around you are safe. Guaranteed this is how they will proceed.

[–] 1 pt 3y

On a positive note,your 'spelling' is immaculate.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Oh do getbent.on an internet forum. You doofus

[–] 0 pt 3y


[–] 1 pt 3y

Very cool guy, too. I loaned him my chain saw and he returned it cleaned and sharpened.

[–] [deleted] 5 pts 3y

Get in contact with a lawyer and sue for defamation of character and discrimination.

[–] 9 pts 3y

Hostile work environment.

The "vax" is experimental. The legal authorization for its administration is void.

With a good lawyer and a fair judge, they should make bank.

[–] 1 pt 3y

Hostile work environment. She's got a slam dunk harassment case due to them ostracizing her in front of her coworkers.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Better hope you win enough to retire, because you'll have a hard time finding work again. Not unless you specifically find a small business owner who shares your political beliefs so you can tell them frankly, "I was terminated for refusing the vaccine, though they gave a different reason, and I filed a wrong termination lawsuit."

[–] 3 pts 3y

Most employers don't even call your contacts, much less do in depth research into why you left a previous job.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Yeah, for entry level work. If you're upper management, you better believe they're going to vet you.

[–] 0 pt 3y

I had so much proof of harrassment from getting custody of my kids but knew I would need another job and all the options I had talk to one another and employees bounce around and talk. I decided to bite my tongue and move on.

[–] 4 pts 3y

sew a star of david onto the mask

[–] 5 pts 3y

It 100% definitely feels like she's being forced to wear a "scarlet letter" on her face because they consider her unclean, regardless of her reasons for not being vaccinated.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Lol she should just act like one of those crazy 3 mask wearing people and walk around spraying Lysol everywhere.

[–] 3 pts 3y

I'm going through the same thing. All I can say is either she wears the mask or invokes HIPAA. As far as I know she's not legally required to disclose medical information like vaccination records.

[–] 2 pts 3y

That is probably the choice: show us your vax card or wear a mask. They aren't violating HIPPA because they are allowing you a choice of not disclosing your vax status. I worked in a place where this was invoked for regular flu shots during flu season long before Covid.

[–] 0 pt 3y

I'm not sure about that. I'm pretty certain they can't demand you to provide medical records or not work there. It's similar to, they can't ask if you're pregnant or planning on getting pregnant in the future for hiring purposes.

[–] 0 pt 3y

but to allow anybody to not wear a mask they have to violate HIPPA

[–] 1 pt 3y

They are creating a hostile work environment by making her a pariah among her coworkers. That's harassment under the current workplace harassment laws. She can easily win a case with that alone.

[–] 0 pt 3y

I don't know about 'easily'. The lawyer costs would probably just balance with any settlement agreement.

[–] 3 pts 3y

Fake the card and move on.

[–] 3 pts 3y

Tell your wife to wear the mask, and constantly complain to her coworkers how lucky they are for being able to receive the vaccine and to thank them for accepting the vaccinate people like you're wife who have bad, potentially lethal reactions to the vaccines and therefore can't safely take them.

Change the narrative in their heads from, "She's a piece of shit for not doing something so simple." To, "We are heroes for protecting the vulnerable, like her, and it feels good to be appreciated."

In legal terms, your wife is fine. In practical terms...well, she'd never be explicitly fired for not get the shot. They'd wait until the third time she was late to work in a year and fire her for tardiness or something.

So your best bet is not standing on legality or logic and reasoning - if these people were logical or reasonable, Covid wouldn't be a thing. You need to be subtle and manipulate them.

[–] 2 pts 3y

This is definitely the best advice. These people use social manipulation techniques, so you need to play their game and fight back the same way. They typically skew towards the care/harm and fairness moral foundations(en.wikipedia.org), so appealing to those primarily is probably the way to go.

[–] 1 pt 3y

As depressing and enraging as it may be, this may be the best path for right now. She's literally getting pushed to tears in frustration over it. "Office politics" were already a bad enough thing in her department (but she stays because of some admittedly nice benefits and pay) before all this. Now it feels like our private business is of everyone else's concern.

[–] 0 pt 3y

I agree. Show up early, and never be late. If overtime is optional don't opt out.

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