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[–] [deleted] 23 pts 3y (edited 3y)

One killed a 70yr doctor, his wife, and 2 of their grandchildren in their own home a couple of weeks ago. It barely made the local news.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't lose a couple hours sleep over this one. In Cali I couldn't care less, but this was local and one of those watershed moments that change a person.

[–] 3 pts 3y

You seem to forget how poor and underprivileged the nog was though. He only made about $5 Million for 8ish years of "work"? How's a brother supposed to survive on that?

[–] [deleted] 3 pts 3y

Yeah, mentioning he was an NFL nigger seemed asinine. The whole league is niggers now and that fact changes nothing in this situation.

[–] 2 pts 3y

Yeah, the only use I get from the nfl (& nba) is 'virtue signalling' to shitlibs around me by telling them I've stopped watching, because they are so lacking in diversity.

[–] 1 pt 3y

Or the one that threw a white guy over a bridge cuz he was trying to stop the nigger from robbing a woman. He lived but it's terrifying

Someone needs to make a tasteful website that serves as a chronological shrine to nigger crime. Interactive, but easily let you see them all lined up

[–] 1 pt 3y

Notice how some tried to blame CTE? No, he’s just a violent nigger that didn’t get his prescription filled for his addictive pills. So he killed them.