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[–] [deleted] 2 pts 3y

I get the whole 'jew thing' often repeated on this site, but at the the end of the day. A life long doctor that dedicated his life to saving lives has died. A nigger took his life, his wives, and a chuck of his offspring. The meta meme shit needs to stop! We have reached a crossroads and I'm just waiting for that 'first shot' just like many others.

[–] 0 pt 3y

What are you talking about? the article was about the little boy the nigger threw off a balcony.

jews have along history of abusing their positions as doctors, and i wouldnt mourn the death of one. they push poisoned vaccines, poorly tested psychotic medication, promote gender dysphoria as normal and encourage children to undergo genital mutilation, both in the form of circumcision and sex change operations.

if your waiting for the first shot and you arent awake on the jews involvement in all of this then you are just as bad as those bloodthirsty niggers burning cities to the ground. They all felt the same as you and misdirected their hatred onto the whites