What an exceptional write up. Agreed.
I did not know the stats on average age of white marriage, that is interesting. Note: my reference to having children at a young age I was referring to the pressure to find a husband and have children before the end of their 20s.
Perhaps we have infantalized our society to such a degree that people in their 20s still seem child like to me.
Well I had a few trad guys assert to me that white women were really meant to be getting married in their mid teens historically, and that we were “too jewed” to want women to wait until their 20s.
So that compelled me to do some research. Were white men really historically that perved? Were we just a couple centuries away from basically kiddie fucking muzzies? I wondered.
Of course we tend to be aware of the marriage habits of european elites like the Borgias or the Tudors. But it turns out that arranged marriages between young teenagers or a young teenage girl to an older man was practiced mostly by elites. The commoners tended to self select mates and church records show staggeringly late (IMO) marriage age since the middle ages with women at around 23 and men being close in age to their brides at around 25 or 26. In britain, on the continent and in colonial america.
This is in direct contrast to what you see in muslim societies where the brides are very young and there is a large disparity between husband and wife. These traits seem consistent for other monogamist/polygamist societies.
We have gotten used to putting off kids until very late but we are in a real population crisis so I think we need to go back to an older strategy and bring the numbers back up.
(post is archived)