The last 50 years we've devolved if you believe your half-baked theory. Societal changes have been forced.
Can you expand on how you think the change was forced? What changes do you think need to be implemented to re-balance the equation?
In listing all of the female featues in this thread, which are bloody accurate (great job everyone), what we are also simultaneously saying is that either our men have failed us and gave up their leadership roles in society and families or something else happened that has made men loose that level of control.
It's plastics in the food and water. They have feminized men and made them less willing to take control, which has allowed women to assume leadership positions. Of course this tendency has been accelerated by social factors, such as the Jew-created woman's movement, but at the root of things the shift of power from men to women is biological. We have been poisoning ourselves and our children for fifty years with plastics that mimic human hormones and feminize men.
You know, I have been thinking about his for a while as well. The romans were poisoning them selves with lead plumbing and when I learned in the 90s about estrogen in plasting I wondered if this was the same thing.
The poisonings occuring have very little to do with the state of men being a man as God Almighty called him to be. It has everything to do with men being Godless. Men need to humble themselves before Jesus Christ before they can step into the role of a righteous man.
So maybe get back to glass containers and correct conservatively with synthetic steroids. Testosterone patches for your 12 year old boy. If they can do it, so can we.
What an exceptional write up. Agreed.
I did not know the stats on average age of white marriage, that is interesting. Note: my reference to having children at a young age I was referring to the pressure to find a husband and have children before the end of their 20s.
Perhaps we have infantalized our society to such a degree that people in their 20s still seem child like to me.
The problem comes when broads like you open your mouth and believe anything other then garbage comes out of it.
Good answer.
Really well thought out.
Thoroughly enjoyed your comment.
but he forgot to call you a bitch. I'm sure you would have enjoyed it more then
return to monke
(post is archived)