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Caused by climate change? But it stopped at the Canadian border and there where literally dozens of antifa and others caught red handed during the couple of weeks starting fires all over the west coast and north west?

Ya guess that was never figured out

Caused by climate change? But it stopped at the Canadian border and there where literally dozens of antifa and others caught red handed during the couple of weeks starting fires all over the west coast and north west? Ya guess that was never figured out

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 14 pts 3y

it also stopped at the mexican border

[–] 6 pts 3y

True; the fires are all north of mexican border, up to the mexican border. suspicious. When arsonists caught, they are always illegal aliens, or if near canada... ANTIFA jews.

The VAST MAJORITY of large California and western forest fires , when culprits found , if not a forest ranger , and if not a firefighter, and by a person, have been PROVEN to be started by FOREIGN BORN ARSONISTS!

Studies exist.

spics burn just to be spics, even in areas that have no pot growing, such as all the arizona forest fires : https://cis.org/Feere/GAO-Report-Illegal-Aliens-Start-Forest-Fires

studies prove majority of ARRESTED federal arsonists are illegal spics, the rest illegal muslims

THE MAJORITY according to US GAO report !!!


In 2011 , Sen. John McCain stated a fact namely, that open borders lead to illegal aliens starting forest fires and the usual suspects responded with the usual indignation "NAZI!". A repeated GAO report confirms that McCain was indeed correct. Read the us gov report on who lights fires yourself !:


Basically, of PROVEN arsonists, its non-USA born doing majority of fires .

Also the annual average of acreage burned in recent years is almost 10 time more per year fires than 12 years ago in USA. ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS AND MUSLIMS.

ISIS web sites tell the muslims to burn usa and europe to the ground.

U.S. officials monitoring terrorist web sites have discovered a call for using forest fires as weapons against “crusader” nations


MUSLIM arsonists too!

Also hundreds of brave media articles in recent years :

Why so many fires in just the last 4 years? why? MUSLIM JIHAD

2019 : ISIS Tells Followers to Set Forest Fires in U.S., Europe:


2019 : Muslims use incendiary balloons to set 100 fires:


2019 : “Allah est grand”: Muslims laugh, celebrate as blaze destroys Notre Dame cathedral during Holy Week:


2019: Islamic State encourages Muslims to set forest fires in US and Europe in “new way of waging jihad” :


2018 : Greece had 15 large simultaneously lit fires in 2018 and hundreds of people burned, over 80 burned dead. They caught a couple muslims for certain so far :


2017: WILDFIRE JIHAD? Iraqi Muslim arrested for starting a forest fire near Rome:


2016 : First France, now Netherlands: Muslims are carrying out “arson jihad”:


Fires across Australia for 10 years of Muslim illegal alien jihad! :


2009 : Are Muslims Conducting Forest Fire Jihad in Australia? Update 2/14/09 JIHADISTS CELEBRATE FIRES & CALL THEM "ACT OF REVENGE"! :


2008 : Islam group urges forest fire jihad in Australia, according to US intelligence channels:


ISIS already called on its recruits to use arson as a weapon against a country :


TL/DR : White people, unless a forest ranger arsonist, or fireman, are not arsonists of forests and fields. Its always shit skins with less genetic empathy.

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[–] 2 pts 3y (edited 3y)

nice try Rabbi. war by deception. it's called Islamic Jewish Lightning for a reason - Israelis caught again starting forest fires in South America & the Zionist 'Andinia Plan'.~ https://archive.is/QlwoL

[–] 1 pt 3y

Jewish lighting is insurance fraud.

No fucking clue why you lying and calling me rabbi you stupid fuck. I'm none stop naming the jew and I think the best way is to name Circumcision.

Circumcision is an evil Jewish religious ceremony with absolutely zero medical benefits 

Anyways could these fires be jew international commie related of course the war against America is led by jews

[–] 0 pt 3y

Pretty smart to start fires as your terrorism method. If I was a terrorist and I never knew about this it would never cross my mind to start fires. I mean it’s so simple. Gas and a match and you can cauze hell

[–] 0 pt 3y (edited 3y)

We all know about those organized Jews in south america rain forest areas (mainly Brazil) PAYING non-jews to start fires. ($10,000 usd per fire!) but your link is a keeper to me. I did not know that the Jews, to save $10,000 dollars, lit fires themselves in CHILE!

Chile lacks enough indigenous people to pay $10,000 each fire with cell photo proof, and so these jews did it directly in Chile and got caught , complete with a jew lame alibi. The ground force spics get only $100 dollars of the $10,000 proven upper tier payoff per fire.

Leonardo DiCaprio Funded Amazon Fires : paid for evidence of Whitey corporations burning Rain forest, but instead gave $500,000 to mestizo spics to start hundreds of FIRES !!! :


“Leonardo DiCaprio gave $300,000 to an NGO that set fire to the Amazon, the NGO the WWF paid 70,000 reais for the photos of the forest in flames,” Bolsonaro (president of Brazil) wrote.

Jewish "global warming" organizations start a lot of fires too, by paying spics to burn!!!

So in summary :

  • 1> Arrest records of CAUGHT arsonists prior to 2020 were proven in GAO report to be over 90% non-Caucasian .

  • 2> Arrest records of CAUGHT arsonists in EU majority of time, proven to be illegal immigrant invaders to EU nations, and typically NON-CAUCASIAN (I am not counting arabs as White)

  • 3> Brazil Reporters report hundreds of NON-WHITE people claiming they got $100 USD to start fires from other non-white people who skim off the top the ($16,588.08) for a fresh photo of Brazil fires, provided by non-white JEWISH NGO (global warming jew charities).

  • 4 > Sometimes a CAUGHT arsonist, is a Jew undermining a host nation or nation they are visiting such as you found in that Chile link. Again nonwhite. https://archive.is/QlwoL

Whites have too much EMPATHY to start uncontrolled unmanaged forest fires. Whites genetic empathy prevents Whites from acting like spics, niggers, chinks and Jews.

TL/DR : If an arsonist is ever caught, the culprit is 90% of the time, NON-WHITE!!!

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[–] [deleted] 1 pt 3y

I wonder if this is why the middle east is no longer a fertile land. Could it have been made a desert because of morons burning the land? Just a random thought.

[–] 1 pt 3y (edited 3y)

jewish middlemen paid to burn all forests of europe and middle east into charcoal for iron smelting.

all the trees for 600 miles in every direction chopped down, and NEVER grew back, the biggest wave was in 1,000 years ago to 500 years ago. but (((college academics))) claim it was climate change. Millions of buried tree stumps of chopped down forests buried under a layer of peat across UK felled in 1500s prove that millions of trees died from Jewish merchant demand for charcoal... NOT GLOBAL WARMING.

Trees are cut down to reduce to "charcoal" to sell for income to feed families. Its done today by Blacks across the globe, wherever Blacks lie near any remaining trees.

The desire for charcoal in the 1500s in Britain was astoundingly significant, so much charcoal was used to avoid digging for coal for iron smelting in Britain. 99% of ALL TREES, nearly 99% of ALL OAKS , of Britain chopped down and low-oxygen burned into charcoal to sell to IRON WORKS across britain.

1500s Charcoal extreme demand for Turkish ironworks spread to middle east and all remaining trees near water in Mediterranean.

In 1000 AD native people (Pueblo indians) provable nearly extincted 5 species of trees for over 350 miles in EVERY DIRECTION from new mexico. They killed off one species at a time. They rolled logs for up to 350 miles to capital cities of Pueblo indians. The DNA of the wood beam artifacts Pueblo indians left for each century prove the deliberate extinction of each species by cutting all trees down TURNING NEW MEXICO INTO DESERT WASTELAND.

In 1860s Jewish Railroad managing companies paid to 100% deforest all trees around Lake Tahoe on Nevada/California border. Photographs of 100% tree-less Lake Tahoe exist from 1800s and are shocking and horrifying. The reason? Timbers for SILVER MINES cost money, and Jews delivered timbers from far away to Reno/Carson City/Lake Tahoe, but local non-Jews were selling far far far cheaper wood to miners for silver mining and railroad building. The solution was JEW MERCHANT BARONS PAID TO DEFOREST LAKE TAHOE FAR AND WIDE . Most of Washoe Valley never got all its trees grown back in 150 years even, but Tahoe mostly grew back. The Jews did not use the millions of chopped down and killed trees, or burned forests, they just tried to increase price of imported lumber. THANKS JEWS

Incidentally, the Jews originally deforested only 5 to 10 miles along all railroad tracks, but the killzone increased wider and wider over a few years, to control lumber prices.

TL/DR : YOU ARE WISE to deduce how Mediterranean islands have millions of buried tree stumps on barren islands of Mediterranean, all dated and from axe, and YOU ARE WISE to deduce how middle east and new mexico lost trees

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[–] 1 pt 3y

And they all seemed to start near major roads.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y

Gee why would fires stop at the canadian border and the Mexican border? In fact, there were no other fires anywhere else in the world! Did anybody notice that?

Oh, it's because it was a US fire map. So it only showed fires in the US. My gosh you people are fucking stupid sometimes.

[–] 2 pts 3y

Because nature couldn't afford passports when it spends it's disposable income on weeds

[–] 2 pts 3y

It's almost like a US website monitoring US fires doesn't cover Canada and Mexico

[–] 0 pt 3y

I remember looking into it a little. You are kinda right there where fires up in Canada but not as many as in the USA as I recall. But you would think if this was natural the way it was being reported that there would also be reports about more fires in Canada at the same time and the people reporting would use that as justification that it's natural look global warming even Canada has a unusually high amount of fires. It did not happen that way

[–] 7 pts 3y

Climate change is a hoax, antifa isn't.

[+] [deleted] 7 pts 3y
[–] 1 pt 3y (edited 3y)

Anybody remember when all the fields owned by monsanto/bayer and bill gates were caught on fire just before harvest in 2021?

me neither, but im just putting that thought on the table.

many fun ideas on how these kinds of fires might come to fruition and very fucking easy to do without being seen

we just lay in the back of my buddy, hucklebuckle's pickup truck and go cruisin down the backroads.

[–] 1 pt 3y (edited 3y)

A small bit of diesel in a dish ...

Powdered chlorine pool shock in an inverted dish above the diesel.

Brake fluid drizzled onto the chlorine.

You now have 30 seconds to two minutes to GTFO.


This method can be easily set up with a timer to dump the fluid onto the powder.

Now ... another fun trick is to use the old cigarette in a matchbook method. I recommend using a home-roll for it though, since modern commercial smokes have a plastic in the paper to put out the cancerstick after a short while. Alternatively, use a rubber band and wooden matches around a home-roll.

Fun for everyone involved!

[–] 1 pt 3y

Pepperidge Farm Remembers...

[–] 1 pt 3y

Anyone remember 3-11? Fukushima.

[–] 0 pt 3y

311? Like kkk or come original

[–] 1 pt 3y

Yeah I also remember multiple friends witnessing the fires being started by antifa people.

[–] 1 pt 3y

Combo of brainwashed arsonists and directed energy weapons.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y

I remember Trump and Sessions did nothing... when the whole fucking states on the west coast should have been locked up, arrested, imprisonments ensuing, punishments given... but nada.

[–] 0 pt 3y

The DAs weren't falling in line. They were just releasing anyone without charge

[–] 0 pt 3y

True. Which is why they should've been the first on the list.

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