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My question is why don't they start a blood bank for non vaccinated blood or how about a blood bank that takes donations from really good healthy people pay a premium and then your family can sign up like a subscription to pay for its use in an emergency?

Reposted this because the nigger faggots at Qpatriots blocked me eventho7gh I still defend those weak minded bitches

My question is why don't they start a blood bank for non vaccinated blood or how about a blood bank that takes donations from really good healthy people pay a premium and then your family can sign up like a subscription to pay for its use in an emergency? Reposted this because the nigger faggots at Qpatriots blocked me eventho7gh I still defend those weak minded bitches

(post is archived)

[–] 10 pts 3y

At the end of the day, any business that you start, whether it's your blood bank idea (a good one!) or an airline, if your business is founded on "denying" the covid nonsense, you'll find that banks and payment processors will refuse to work with you, that government regulators will be up your ass every day, and other businesses that you need to buy supplies for or contract for logistics with who have bought into the covid nonsense, will demand you follow some kind of masking or vaccination policy when you interact with their employees. Or they just won't do business with you at all either.

It would be rough in this country with the domestic terrorists known as government officials, central bankers, and all the cronies who feed off of the rest of us.

But your idea is great in principle. It would just be hard to implement in the current environment of fucking nutjobs everywhere.

[–] 2 pts 3y

Ive been amazed that the corporate democommie liberal collusion... I call it commie nazis.. it makes no sense but how else do you explain what is going on? The democmmies and international communist are in with corporate America! It makes no sense

[–] 2 pts 3y

It all makes perfect sense.

Politicians do not, and never did, represent the people. They represent the person or entity that contributes the most to their own wealth and their own power.

The wealthy will lobby government for protections for their own businesses and interests and against the interests' of their competitors and critics. They can wine and dine elected officials, promise them easy, high-paying jobs after their political career is over, and contribute directly to their re-election campaigns.

Central bankers, and the commercial banks that serve them, make politicians far more powerful. Not only can government directly steal from people through taxes, they can do so indirectly through inflation and fractional reserve banking. The large banks and well-connected receive the new money first, before prices have a chance to rise, they buy up capital assets that will make them only wealthier, and then that money trickles down to cycle through the rest of the economy, and prices start to rise.

Politicians can then fund outlandish, trillion-dollar programs through debt and money created out of thin air, and earn votes from people by buying them off.

Lots of people will say that we can't criticize grocery stores or airlines for mask or vaccine mandates because they're "private companies".

They are not. They have colluded with government for decades to have exclusive privileges, to have regulations that cost them a little bit but cost their smaller competitors too much to actually compete, making them essentially a monopoly or an oligopoly, depending on the industry.

This is the bad incentive that the very existence of government, which is an organization that has the privilege to violate the rights of everyone else, has given rise to.

We must abolish government and the entire religion of "statism". We must abolish central banking and fractional reserve banking, and have one or several sound currencies. And we must form our own private institutions to replace the functions that government currently (and really poorly) services, namely: police, fire, charity/welfare, road construction, etc.

It's not hard to do. It is, in fact, way easier than it sounds. But it requires people to finally isolate the real problem, and then take action to solve that problem, and not get lost in all the noise that propagandists in all forms of media are currently pumping out to distract us from the banking cartel and the political elites.

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[–] 0 pt 3y

It's like two fists of the half corporation, half government gorilla. If he can't beat you with his government fist, due to your legal rights, he'll do so with his corporate fist, and vice versa.

[–] 8 pts 3y

My husband and I have the same blood type. We will use each other if it is ever needed. Otherwise, I'm ok with dying instead of using this modern witch craft to save my life.

[–] 0 pt 3y

My life was undoubtedly saved via blood transfusions whilst unconscious in a hospital bed for a good bit of time. Life comes at you fast.

[–] 7 pts 3y

mRNA is for the white blood cells that attack infections. So are you safe with a red blood cell transfusion? Here's a discussion on mRNA and RBC (red blood cells) prior to China Virus https://www.researchgate.net/post/Does_mRNA_translation_occur_in_red_blood_cell

The question was does mRNA exist in RBC? One answer was : "Basically red blood cells lack an nucleus and most organelles to have more space for hemoglobine to increase oxygen transportation capacity. Essential mRNAs will be still present in the cytoplasma where it is translated but they will be exhausted over time. This is also the reason for the 100 days lifespan of red blood cells. "

How does a blood transfusion change your body and DNA (article) https://www.medicaldaily.com/how-does-blood-transfusion-change-your-body-and-dna-404941 "...studies have shown that highly sensitive equipment can pick up donor DNA from blood transfusions up to a week after the procedure, but with particularly large transfusions, donor white blood cells were present for up to a year and a half afterward. "

[–] [deleted] 6 pts 3y

Look at the date of your link- 2017! This mRNA shite is not new, they've been working on it for many years.

The researchgate link has some really great question responses and links. Someone stated that mRNA does show up in reticulocytes (baby red cells)

This is rabbit-hole level science... https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fgene.2019.00933/full

[–] 2 pts 3y

Lance Armstrong had this figured out. He was able to pass PED tests by using his own clean blood he donates to himself.

Forget about his biking legacy for a second and just appreciate the level execution to pull this off for a decade.

We should be donating our own blood to our future selves. Whatever you don’t use can go to your genetic offspring.

[–] 2 pts 3y

Jehovah's Witnesses don't believe in blood transfusions. Maybe, now, there something to it.

[–] 2 pts 3y

What? You dont want to get some pozzed blood transfusion from a faggot with AIDs and a vaccine? Bigot

[–] 2 pts 3y

This is a serious point that deserves real debate. I don't want zombie blood infused in my body.

[–] 1 pt 3y

or how about a blood bank that takes donations from really good healthy people pay a premium and then your family can sign up like a subscription to pay for its use in an emergency?

This would work. This is a viable business model.

[–] 1 pt 3y

At least here in Germany, it's the bottom of the society who routinely donates plasma & blood because they get some money for it and a bonus every 10th time or so. Some of them donate plasma every single week. If you get a transfusion, you're getting (sand)niggers or white trash blood 90% of the time.

[–] 1 pt 3y

Because they don't plan to allow ANYONE unvaccinated to participate in society. The unvaccinated will be denied medical care of any kind within 4 years. If you doubt this you are a sleeping fool.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Ya they start out taking an inch then take a mile or kiles!

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y

I heard something years ago that if you are worried about needing blood then you can, over time, donate your own blood to be used at a later date only for you and your surgeries. Can anyone confirm?

[–] 5 pts 3y

I highly doubt this works anymore. You really think hospitals being run by greedy jews would EVER allow you to do something like this?

[–] 2 pts 3y

Science fiction. The oxygen capacity of stored blood degrades within weeks and it can start grow bacteria. Much donated blood is discarded because it never gets used.

A typical unit of blood is refrigerated for 42 days, then discarded if not used or frozen for later use. There is an expensive technique for freezing blood and storing it for up to a year or more, but this is only done in very special circumstances and is not always successful in keeping the blood safe for later use. Very little blood is frozen for storage.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 3y

You can do autologous blood donation for yourself or direct-donation for anyone that will/may need blood. You can direct donate organs as well (cadaveric or live).

The thing is, if your blood is needed for another person it will be used. Blood is gold- they just don't tell you how valuable it is in healthcare (much less cosmetics and big pharma).

Blood donation is important and a great boon to society at large.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Blood is gold

Blood donation is important and a great boon to society at large.

If it wasn't for donors then people would actually get paid a couple bucks for their blood.

[–] 1 pt 3y

I'm guessing that's something only rich assholes can do. Besides, what's to stop them from putting it in your private blood supply? Unless you're keeping it in your own fridge.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Lance Armstrong did exactly that and had tremendous success. You just need an expensive set up to extract and store the blood.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y

Armstrong should have his titles restored for the simple fact of being smarter than any other cyclist alive kek

[–] 0 pt 3y

I questioned it months ago. We are going to have to give our own blod before surgeries. I don't trust the plasma, either.

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