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Fifteen modules of this horseshit. As if participating is going to make me see the light and drop all of my biases. Real life has made me see my biases are justified. Any one else here having to deal with this garbage?

Fifteen modules of this horseshit. As if participating is going to make me see the light and drop all of my biases. Real life has made me see my biases are justified. Any one else here having to deal with this garbage?

(post is archived)

[–] 11 pts 4y (edited 4y)

It pisses me off how employers have become overlords. Just because you hired me to do a job doesn't mean I'm subject to your mental indoctrination and medical decision making, holy shit.... Americans are fucking stupid though. They give up Constitutional rights VOLUNTARILY on a daily basis. Too fuckin dumb to know them.

[–] 0 pt 4y

It's almost like they've become the new middle school guidance counselors. It's insane!