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[–] 1 pt 4y (edited 4y)

If you factor in average life expectancy.. (Guessing life expectancy per person)

3k * 40 = 120k

45k * 10 = 450k

The only way you could say 9/11 was worse would be if you considered the nursing home patients to essentially be already dead. Thats a cold, dark, and sick perspective.

I honestly believed many more had died in the 9/11 attack, to the point that I will probably end up trying to verify that figure. The problem is finding a truthful source.

[–] 1 pt 4y

Just for arguments sake, I'd rather miss out on 70-80 than 40-50. Not all years are created equal.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Okay sure if you have a choice limited to those two options, but my understanding is that he had alternatives for isolation.

I.e. the hospital ships.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Factor in carbon credit remittance for the amount of co2 expenditure saved per person over the rest of their expected life time and it's a win/win for the guarantor and a longer lasting planet, reeeee ...

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

Thats a cold, dark, and sick perspective.

That is awfully childlike morality you're expressing here. Considering the average COVID death is occurring in people with multiple comorbidities at pretty much exactly life expectancy you can't really say these people had 10 years left. And even then what quality of life would they have? If you had to put 3,000 souls into human bodies would you rather put them into middle aged office workers or would you rather put them in ailing and failing bodies, trapped to shuffle around a nursing home, isolated from their family, until they ungraciously expire?