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I seem to be just constantly raging fucking mad ! I hold it together , look calm on the outside , but feel ready to just erupt in furious rage. Can't be good for my health. I work out regularly with weights , and that helps a bit for an hour or two , but that rage and anger comes roaring back

I seem to be just constantly raging fucking mad ! I hold it together , look calm on the outside , but feel ready to just erupt in furious rage. Can't be good for my health. I work out regularly with weights , and that helps a bit for an hour or two , but that rage and anger comes roaring back

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[–] 14 pts 4y

I will say I recently finished reading the Bible and it really is not the same as how I was taught for a lifetime.

There are definitely inconsistencies with what society tells you it says, and what it actually says.

[–] 13 pts 4y

Exactly. I instantly know when someone's actually read the bible or not, when talking spirituality. No person who's actually read the bible from start-to-finish could ever support the current anal pope. Hell, if Jesus were here in the flesh, right now, you just know he'd grab the nearest switch and whip the fuck out of that heretical faggot: he'd probably be the first one to get belly-flopped on to a lake of fire.

[–] 0 pt 4y

And that is exactly what the people want. People respect power

[–] 0 pt 4y

If you didnt know this ideological corruption of the churches is something intentional and has deep pockets funding the corruption.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

At this point I think he'd just ash the bastard.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts 4y

There are definitely inconsistencies with what society tells you it says, and what it actually says.

Change society for "Churches" and you're spot on.

[–] 1 pt 4y

Totally. Going to any church and blindly believing what a preacher teaches from the pulpit is just as useful as getting your news off the TV.

The blind leading the blind all the way back to the Catholic church.

Like the idea that God loves everyone, even rabid sinners. Nope. That's not what the bible teaches at all.

Thou shalt not kill? Nope. Go to the Hebrew and it's more like 'thou shalt not murder'.

Lot's wife turned to a pillar of salt? Nope. Christ quoted that verse and he quoted it as she was 'taken' which culturally was used as a euphemism meaning to be killed. The 'Rapture' doctrine is a fairly new false doctrine.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 4y

I'm not much into the bible but I always saw Lot's wife as a metaphor for not being weighed down by your past lest you become stagnant and unable to grow. She turned around (lived her life by ruminating on the past) and became a pillar of salt (spiritually rigid and stagnant).

[–] 0 pt 4y

No. It's an actual event. The cities that were destroyed are still covered in many feet of sulfuric ash to this day. Nothing grows in those areas, nothing at all.

If you examine the Hebrew closely the meaning I get is that she turned back toward the cities. She didn't believe the warning was valid and she just wanted to go back. She was consumed in the flames or taken as scripture would have it. Christ actually quoted correctly. So Lot and his two daughters escaped and made children who became the Ammonites.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Excuse me Sir. What do you think Christ's view on killing someone is? Sure, you can use the old testament to justify doing evil things but Jesus is very clear on this matter.

[–] 1 pt 4y

He said child molesters and those who lead children astray would be better off with a rock tied to their neck and drowned in the ocean.

[–] 0 pt 4y

From what I can tell, I would guess you know about the Kenites?

[–] 0 pt 4y

Sort of. Mostly that Moses married the Midianite who's father was Jethro. Beyond that, I'm not sure how there can be an actual connection to Cain who so far as I know perished in the deluge.