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I seem to be just constantly raging fucking mad ! I hold it together , look calm on the outside , but feel ready to just erupt in furious rage. Can't be good for my health. I work out regularly with weights , and that helps a bit for an hour or two , but that rage and anger comes roaring back

I seem to be just constantly raging fucking mad ! I hold it together , look calm on the outside , but feel ready to just erupt in furious rage. Can't be good for my health. I work out regularly with weights , and that helps a bit for an hour or two , but that rage and anger comes roaring back

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 4y

I'm not much into the bible but I always saw Lot's wife as a metaphor for not being weighed down by your past lest you become stagnant and unable to grow. She turned around (lived her life by ruminating on the past) and became a pillar of salt (spiritually rigid and stagnant).

[–] 0 pt 4y

No. It's an actual event. The cities that were destroyed are still covered in many feet of sulfuric ash to this day. Nothing grows in those areas, nothing at all.

If you examine the Hebrew closely the meaning I get is that she turned back toward the cities. She didn't believe the warning was valid and she just wanted to go back. She was consumed in the flames or taken as scripture would have it. Christ actually quoted correctly. So Lot and his two daughters escaped and made children who became the Ammonites.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 4y

They found radiation and other "Hey, a fucking nuke blew up here" evidence where they believe Sodom and Gomorrah once stood.

God LITERALLY nuked two cities for being sodomite faggots.

I think if he can, we have more than justification to do it to this judaized world. The jewish rats aren't the only ones with a Samson Option.

[–] 1 pt 4y

You can go there to this day and find raw sulfur nuggets lying about. Break off the crust and you can light the sulfur. I've worked around sulfur in petroleum tanks and it's nasty stuff when it burns. However, the sulfur nuggets found there are 99% pure. That's unheard of in nature.

[–] 0 pt 3y

The vedas talk about nukes ' called em viminos or vimenostros er somthin. They also talked of flying cities.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

Saul Goodman. We can agree to disagree. I think the bible is a book of allegories but a lot of people take it at face value which is fine.

Imagine you were born in say Bhutan or Tibet. You'd undoubtedly be a Buddhist. Would you not be saved because of that?

I think God is bigger than the petty tyrant found in the bible. Creating a being knowing full well it would be condemned to eternal torment is ludicrous IMO.

I'm not close to being as compassionate and loving as God (obviously) and I can't stand to see my dog suffer in the slightest.

Imagine having the thought "well the dog did shit in the house last week so fuck her, she can suffer" IDK, that's laughable to me.

[–] 2 pts 4y

I get the distinct impression you've never actually read through the bible, thought about what you read, then read it again. Let a few years go by and read through it again. Research archaeology and compare it to scripture, compare prophesy to actual historical events, read other people's writings on the topic and opposing viewpoints or any of that. What you just wrote is stuff that came off the top of your imagination. Lazy thinking at best based on muddled ideas.

Have you read much about Buddhism? Or Islam? Read the Koran? The scriptures written by ancient prophets and chroniclers and scribes in Israel are not metaphors. If you had read carefully you would know this.

[–] 1 pt 4y

Saul Goodman is a fictional character. A slimy corrupt lawyer. Agree to disagree? These are the weasel words of a person who's too lazy to do any critical thinking and or admit error.

[–] 0 pt 4y

I agree with this wholeheartedly. God is so much bigger than the bible.

[+] [deleted] 0 pt 4y