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White men, go out there and get a white girl if you don't have one, they are waiting for you! Don't let your self doubting interfere with starting a white family! Love you all, hope you have the bestest and brightest!

White men, go out there and get a white girl if you don't have one, they are waiting for you! Don't let your self doubting interfere with starting a white family! Love you all, hope you have the bestest and brightest!

(post is archived)

[–] 6 pts 4y (edited 4y)

The boomers were too busy enjoying the post war prosperity to notice their country was being stolen. Americans aren't cucks so much as they're fat and weak from a lifetime of easy living. Boomers in particular simply refuse to hear anything unpleasant, such as niggers being criminals or jews wanting them dead. They want to live in a fantasy land where everyone gets along and nothing bad ever happens. The only enemies they want to are fantasy ones, like nazis and the KKK (There are maybe 1000 KKK members in the entire country). When Caucasians were 80%+ of the country this could be done because there was almost no crime and everyone did get along so long as you avoided the handfull of niggers that were in ever major city.

O'Sullivans law (original): Any group which is not explicitly right wing will become left wing over time.

O'Sullivans law (restated): Any successful group without strictly enforced standards will be invariably looted and destroyed by leeches, subversives and usurpers.

Now we have to reap the harvest of 70 years of complacency. Elections have been openly rigged and politicians have been openly taking bribes for 50+ years. No one cared until now because of the uniparty. Republican and Democrat is a distinction without a difference. At least it was until 2015. All of our institutions have been taken over by leeches, subversives and usurpers. The media, the schools, the courts and the government.

The jews have successfully gotten everyone to rely on these institutions. There are no lynch mobs, little home schooling, almost no small time media. There are no protests because the mechanisms are gone. No one knows how to protest. No one has a network of people they can call on.

However Caucasians are starting to notice how bad it is. They are noticing they're under attack and their institutions are working against them. They are noticing how important a network of contacts is. The jews are terrified of Qtards and Proud Boys, because while entirely misguided, they were a network that could be used for collective action in the interest of Caucasians.

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[–] 2 pts 4y

True. Love it how these morons say "I don't like talk about politics or religion". Sure they don't because they've already surrendered. Guy I know who talks like that, his daughter is a huge fat slob, lets her kids do nothing around the house and can't figure out how to discipline them. She's a single mom with half breed kids who's black dad never shows up and has nothing to do with his own kids. Funny how that works out.