Just seems that the 'winning' strategy is to not work.
Unless I'm mistaken, white birthrate is on the decline.
If there isn't a white majority in ten years, then what was the point of working hard now, if it just goes to people who hate you?
Whites aren't cucks, are they?
It is a good question and one I ask myself.
Say I quit my job. Then I liquidate my real estate and stocks and withdraw everything. Now I buy a RV and live with a very small tax footprint. I could likely do that for the rest of my life with the help of welfare. But do I really want that life?
Do I want to keep my home, boat, and car? Do I want to be able to go out to eat or bars and not have to worry about being able to afford it. Do I want to be able to buy what I want and never have to worry about carrying debt.
Working allows me to do all that. Sure some of it goes to the freeloaders, but most of it goes to allow me to live a great life.
When I retired, with a very limited income, I sold everything I owned.. Home, furniture, toys etc. Bought an RV and hit the road a little over a year ago. I wish I would have done it 20 years ago. I would never go back. It's not for everyone and takes a great deal of planning to do it right but it's a great life of freedom.
Edit... I kept my guns... Which were subsequently lost in a recent boating accident.
Lots of boating accidents lately
This is our current plan. We want to go to warmer locations and travel a bit. SpouseAnon just recovered from cancer and he has PTSD from Vietnam. We don't want to keep paying property taxes that support degenerates. We also had a recent boating event where our weapons sank with it. Shame that.;)
Freedom, for me, means growing/raising food. Living independent of the system without having to be homeless.
Any advice on where someone interested may found out more information about this lifestyle?
Edit... I kept my guns
Could’ve sworn those were lost in a boating accident
This is actually the downfall of America - the love of money and material possessions.
This is also the reason why the Christian church in America has become all but destroyed. Prosperity gospels and false prophets that tell people what they want to hear. Social gospels which deny Jesus and scripture while giving lip service to feel-good thoughts. The boomers who are too busy enjoying retirement and pension to their graves instead of fighting for their children and grandchildren.
What is happening to us now is judgment. People are trying to preserve their material lives when it's actually the very thing which is bringing destruction upon ourselves. Unless Americans learn to give up our idols, and fast, our nation will completely collapse.
The collapse of society is due to the embracing of pornography and violence, and the lack of a standard for civil behavior. The worst elements (niggers, mostly) feel free to do whatever they like without consequences. America needs to return to Christianity -- not the Christianity we have now, which people are abandoning, but a renewed Christianity -- a return to the holy spirit. This prospect terrifies the Jews, who are responsible for the pornography and the violence on television and in films. Christianity would unite white Americans -- the Jews have done everything possible to disunite and degrade whites.
You live in a tent down by the river I suppose?
GOD is going to judge us. My view is that the Conid-19 virus is a warning from God. Get you act together or worse things are going to happen
>This is actually the downfall of America - the love of money and material possessions.
>This is also the reason why the Christian church in America has become all but destroyed. Prosperity gospels and false prophets that tell people what they want to hear. Social gospels which deny Jesus and scripture while giving lip service to feel-good thoughts. The boomers who are too busy enjoying retirement and pension to their graves instead of fighting for their children and grandchildren.
>What is happening to us now is judgment. People are trying to preserve their material lives when it's actually the very thing which is bringing destruction upon ourselves. Unless Americans learn to give up our idols, and fast, our nation will completely collapse.
pretty much this, sir!
There's nothing wrong with that. My goal is to gain more I can pass down to the next generation. Land, property, businesses.
I want them to build out the land as time goes and create family libraries, natural pools/ponds, homes they can live in, gardens they can grow, tree houses to play in, etc.
I don't know how anyone would want to die with nothing and have nothing building/growing to pass down to their kids.
Fantastic response and exactly what I was thinking coming into this thread. In 1000 years all of it will be literally for nothing so why not just live the best life you can and fuck everything else.
That’s how the boomers thought and look at our country today ..
@Greetis absolutely right. Past actually does have an outcome on the future...that's why the united communist states fucking sucks now. Because people are assholes and dont give a fuck about the future. That kind of thinking is evil
Hard to know what will come in a thousand years, but, yeah.
Only you know what is best for you. I just wanted to know.
If that is the better choice, then I can't fault you for it.
Maybe looking in from the outside, things seem a lot easier than they really are.
Thanks for the thoughtful reply.
You're welcome.
If we ever get to a point of taxation where working doesn't allow a certain degree of luxury, then you'll start seeing more people stop. They will do just enough to get by, because that is all they will allow you to do anyways.
Fortunately we are not there yet.
This is how a lot of people think. Over time a lot goes to the free loaders and they can use consumerism to placate you
However I do understand your point
I'd love to see a better alternative.
You can't live without consumerism to some extent.
Everyone here is at the very least paying for a device to access the internet.
Because most people have no fucking balls to actually stand up for a cause.
I think its more of an issue that no one wants to stick their neck out to be a leader.
Would gladly die for a cause greater than me.
Don't know where to start.
Sadly your opinion holds quite a bit of weight. When I worked for my Grandparents in the family business they were constantly looking to protect themselves and their own money from taxes but at the same time refused to let me go as a contractor and avoid taxes on my measly paychecks.
They could have also paid me under the table, or given me a raise and also when I got hurt on the job pretended I wasn't hurt and hired a doctor to tell me I was fine. Oh, and they were staunch Christians. People are just hypocrites and selfish.
If I had known the law then I could have ruined them and taken over the business.
Hearing how many families people have puts it all much more in perspective.
Whites are materialistic consumers. They don't want to bail on a system that hates them because the system dangles a carrot in front of their faces and they can't resist.
if Whites are materialistic consumers (which by the way is a logical fallacy) then I am a different kind of White.
The thing that keeps me passive is not the lure of material goods. I couldn't care less about material things. It is peace and security. I'm established in a place where I have a peaceful and safe life. I don't want to risk losing that. Otherwise, I might be inclined to acquire a rifle and target one of the individuals on the left who is causing the problems. If even a small number of white Christians did this, the problems would go away very quickly.
we live in a physical world with a body that houses a soul.
Yeah but materialism isn't referring to shit like food, water, shelter, some basic entertainment. It means you value vapid, endless material gain over all other things, including higher ideals like racial/cultural preservation, or freedom.
True. Love it how these morons say "I don't like talk about politics or religion". Sure they don't because they've already surrendered. Guy I know who talks like that, his daughter is a huge fat slob, lets her kids do nothing around the house and can't figure out how to discipline them. She's a single mom with half breed kids who's black dad never shows up and has nothing to do with his own kids. Funny how that works out.
White birthrate is on the decline because the cost of having more children is a burden to middle class White families. While illegal immigrants and niggers are given incentive to pop out more fatherless children. They get welfare and foodstamps.
I think someone did the math, a woman with children who is not working and on welfare made more that a woman working part time 30 hours a week, who wouldn't qualify for welfare because she made too much.
They're breeding mediocracy. They want a subservient population that will believe anything and do what they are told.
Look at the BLM masses for example. They are just a brainless blob going wherever it is directed. They don't believe that they are controlled, but from the outside, you can clearly see that they are being guided and directed. They are "fighting the system," while being financed and supported by the MSM, every fortune 500 company, and a major political party.
Responsible individuals. There are low-value high-IQ people and high-value average-IQ people.
It's penalizing future orientation, when future orientation is the single most important factor to the quality of a civilization.
"One must protect the strong from the weak"
The woman working 30 hours a week is also paying for childcare. She should get a husband instead.
Or not have children out of wedlock.
But what's she going to do, she's a nigger with a bunch of worthless nigger kids. Get a job, or get a paycheck from daddy government?
That's the real reason people never come up out of poverty. There's no immediate reward for working.
Also an illegal alien who works illegally pays no tax while his wife and children are coddled by the welfare system.
> Just seems that the 'winning' strategy is to not work. Unless I'm mistaken, white birthrate is on the decline. If there isn't a white majority in ten years, then what was the point of working hard now, if it just goes to people who hate you?
Wow. You must be a Jew or someone who hates the amazing progress of white people over millennia, or ignorant. To actually recommend giving up, and acting like niggers is to take a gun to your own mouth and blow your brains out and the brains of future generations. White people understand inherently that all great things come from work, sweat, effort. We're in the middle of understanding that morons, tyrants, losers and idiots have taken control of the wheel, just because inbeciles stole the wheel from competent leaders like Trump, doesn't mean you too become a free-loading imbecile. You take the wheel back and kick the dead beats to the curb. It's the only solution.
Where have I advocated giving-up? If anything I have said that continuing doing things that don't provide any benefit are a waste of time.
>Where have I advocated giving-up?
You said "just seems that the 'winning' strategy is to not work." Then you said "then what was the point of working hard now"
That's a dead-beat strategy, it's implies Jewish parasite strategy or black free-loading strategy. When you find a problem, you don't give up and mimic the biggest offenders of the problem. Instead you identify the problem like when finding a nest of cockroaches. Once you find the nest, you don't give up and mimick the nest of invaders, you burn the nest.
Hmm, I must be a Jew to suggest paying taxes towards those that are not white is not a beneficial proposition to whites?
Continuing down the same dead-end path irregardless of the unwanted outcome seems crazy to me.
Legal Americans should all pay taxes. People capable of work need to be working and also paying taxes. Illegals need deported and the wall needs completed. Don't try to pull of 5 year old tactics of --- look at that idiot who got away with stealing, I should steal too! Incorrect, arrest, deport or punish the thief. And if you find yourself in a government which puts thieves and idiots on a pedestal. Call them out and mock them every day. Protest, but don't stop doing the right thing. Never burn your own house down, mock the idiots who are burning their homes down.
(post is archived)