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White men, go out there and get a white girl if you don't have one, they are waiting for you! Don't let your self doubting interfere with starting a white family! Love you all, hope you have the bestest and brightest!

White men, go out there and get a white girl if you don't have one, they are waiting for you! Don't let your self doubting interfere with starting a white family! Love you all, hope you have the bestest and brightest!

(post is archived)

[–] 6 pts 4y

American society is highly fractured. The media has become divisive, and people who watch TV & follow social media get swept up in the propaganda. Since Obama, divisive anti-American propaganda has been legalized on the US airwaves. Trump did nothing to stop it, because he's a worthless shill and a failed leader.

Folks like me who've been aware about propaganda have little or no friends left. People who don't watch TV simply can't be friends with TV-watchers. People who watch TV derive their most deeply held beliefs straight from the TV. If you disagree with the TV, the TV-watcher will disown you, even if they're your family or life-long friend.

People who watch TV are literal zombies. TV-watchers still believe 6 million Jews were killed in the Holocaust, regardless that 6 million Jews didn't live in Europe at the time, and the total worldwide Jewish population (~15 million) didn't decline significantly during the war. Any "facts" are bound to disagree with the TV, so any factual discussion becomes a contentious debate for TV-watchers. Anyone mentioning facts which disagree with the TV (or social media) become the default enemies of the "Videot" culture (TV watchers and phone junkies).

[–] 0 pt 4y

"People who don't watch TV simply can't be friends with TV-watchers",

This is why I'm alone