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White men, go out there and get a white girl if you don't have one, they are waiting for you! Don't let your self doubting interfere with starting a white family! Love you all, hope you have the bestest and brightest!

White men, go out there and get a white girl if you don't have one, they are waiting for you! Don't let your self doubting interfere with starting a white family! Love you all, hope you have the bestest and brightest!

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 4 pts 4y

Yeah, I hear many people on bitchute, or youtube say that Trump won. Seems that if there really were that many votes for him, there would be more people livid with anger.

[–] 6 pts 4y

Is this a troll? Millions are livid, but we know that we can lose our jobs for simply saying we know the election was fraudulent, and that's the difference. We have something to lose, we have families to care for and financial responsibilities. The people who protested for BLM are unemployed or work in menial jobs.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 4y

And you just highlighted the exact reason people need to live a debt free life.


[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

That was my point though, if you have so much to lose, then surely you have so much more to stand-up for, so why are you losing to the left? That was all I was trying to say.

[–] 3 pts 4y

The media has convinced people that it's a "conspiracy theory" despite overwhelming evidence. We're up against an army of people with personality disorders and mental illness, and I don't mean that as an insult but a literal fact. Maybe pick up a plane ticket and come to the United States to see for yourself, our borders are completely open.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts 4y

It’s because the spiritual overlords that govern the populace on a hyper spiritual level are concerned with other things right now.

The Gods of the Americans, even the Christ centered ones, aren’t hyped up about a false election. They’re too busy on the astral plane doing the Lord’s work. Because The Best Is Yet To Come.

Prepare for massive spiritual upheavals and prophecy.

Why battle on the street, when you have the Gods on your side?

The battle has already been won. We don’t need to burn down anything when we’ve got the wicked in cages preparing to burn.

Let the last standing vestiges of the evil empires parade around acting like they’re going to fuck us off into the New World Order. Let the puppets digitally play out their supposed power grabs.

Meanwhile, mom and pop have 10 years worth of food supply in the basement. We built this shit and we will tear it down before they touch us with their Satanic leanings.

We’d all die before they took us. We’re not fighting in the streets looting and burning down businesses, because when they come to us - it’s actual war.

Don’t forget that. More guns in America than grass.

I’m your Huckleberry.

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[–] [deleted] 1 pt 4y

I have to admit, having God on your side is attractive.

I think with your belief there is no way you'll lose!

How could you? God is on your side!

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 4y

The actual Creator is on no one’s side. The war between the three Abrahamic religions is real. Who sits at the feet of the Creator?

It’s like the Stanford Prison Experiment.

But what you don’t seem to understand, is that shit is very complicated. If you want a front seat to the SHIT SHOW - welcome to America.

The people who have something to lose won’t stand now. The threat isn’t real enough. We’ve known the government has been shit for a long time. And Americans have become fat and lazy.

The fat and lazy ones will line up to be shot and eaten by the winner regardless.

There are consequences to everything, you realize.

Being American doesn’t mean you’re right. Being a Trump supporter doesn’t mean you’ll be saved.

Going for the KILL isn’t parading around in the streets. It’s fighting the spiritual battle. It’s preparing your home. It’s preparing your stock. It’s preparing your womb. It’s going through your turn - as whites do - of struggle.

We always struggle, and we always make it. What is so different about this?

Why fight for a system that is broken? Why protest to save something that fucks you off?

Let’s watch it burn.

Meanwhile, I’ll be pregnant.

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[–] 0 pt 4y

Okay, no more for this guy.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y


[–] 2 pts 4y

One would think wouldn't they?

[–] [deleted] 3 pts 4y

That's what got me thinking too.

Something doesn't add-up.

[–] 2 pts 4y

The only thing I can say is that I believe Americans truly don't want the blood of other Americans on their hands. Some fools do but they know not what they wish. Those I know pray it doesn't come to that. But who knows. I'm just a nobody with thoughts in my head.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

we are. but we have impulse control, schlomo.