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White men, go out there and get a white girl if you don't have one, they are waiting for you! Don't let your self doubting interfere with starting a white family! Love you all, hope you have the bestest and brightest!

White men, go out there and get a white girl if you don't have one, they are waiting for you! Don't let your self doubting interfere with starting a white family! Love you all, hope you have the bestest and brightest!

(post is archived)

[–] 6 pts 4y (edited 4y)

People who voted for Trump aren't people who protest. It's really as simple as that. Trump voters attended organized rallies for Trump, but they rarely organize protests. When Trump supporters did organize protests in D.C., they were attacked by Leftist (ANTIFA) demonstrators AND the Police simultaneously.

The violent protests you see on TV are organized by Leftists. They apply for a permit and everything. Then once the protests starts, vans and busses full of outside agitators show up to cause violence. Somehow, the violence never stops the organizers from getting the license for the next protest.

If right-wing (Trump supporting) activists were involved in a violent protest, they would never again be granted a license to protest *.

I know English isn't your first language, but do you understand? Trump supporters aren't allowed to be free in America . Trump supporters are constantly harassed, and if they try to protest, they'll get denied a license to protest, or else they'll get attacked by ANTIFA or the Police Department (same thing really).

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

I'm sorry to hear that. Thank you for being so patient with me. I have to reread everything more than once to grasp it.

Much scarier than I had imagined. :(

[–] 6 pts 4y

American society is highly fractured. The media has become divisive, and people who watch TV & follow social media get swept up in the propaganda. Since Obama, divisive anti-American propaganda has been legalized on the US airwaves. Trump did nothing to stop it, because he's a worthless shill and a failed leader.

Folks like me who've been aware about propaganda have little or no friends left. People who don't watch TV simply can't be friends with TV-watchers. People who watch TV derive their most deeply held beliefs straight from the TV. If you disagree with the TV, the TV-watcher will disown you, even if they're your family or life-long friend.

People who watch TV are literal zombies. TV-watchers still believe 6 million Jews were killed in the Holocaust, regardless that 6 million Jews didn't live in Europe at the time, and the total worldwide Jewish population (~15 million) didn't decline significantly during the war. Any "facts" are bound to disagree with the TV, so any factual discussion becomes a contentious debate for TV-watchers. Anyone mentioning facts which disagree with the TV (or social media) become the default enemies of the "Videot" culture (TV watchers and phone junkies).

[–] 0 pt 4y

"People who don't watch TV simply can't be friends with TV-watchers",

This is why I'm alone