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White men, go out there and get a white girl if you don't have one, they are waiting for you! Don't let your self doubting interfere with starting a white family! Love you all, hope you have the bestest and brightest!

White men, go out there and get a white girl if you don't have one, they are waiting for you! Don't let your self doubting interfere with starting a white family! Love you all, hope you have the bestest and brightest!

(post is archived)

[–] 21 pts 4y

It is a good question and one I ask myself.

Say I quit my job. Then I liquidate my real estate and stocks and withdraw everything. Now I buy a RV and live with a very small tax footprint. I could likely do that for the rest of my life with the help of welfare. But do I really want that life?


Do I want to keep my home, boat, and car? Do I want to be able to go out to eat or bars and not have to worry about being able to afford it. Do I want to be able to buy what I want and never have to worry about carrying debt.

Working allows me to do all that. Sure some of it goes to the freeloaders, but most of it goes to allow me to live a great life.

[–] 24 pts 4y (edited 4y)

When I retired, with a very limited income, I sold everything I owned.. Home, furniture, toys etc. Bought an RV and hit the road a little over a year ago. I wish I would have done it 20 years ago. I would never go back. It's not for everyone and takes a great deal of planning to do it right but it's a great life of freedom.

Edit... I kept my guns... Which were subsequently lost in a recent boating accident.

[–] 6 pts 4y

Lots of boating accidents lately

[–] [deleted] 4 pts 4y

This is our current plan. We want to go to warmer locations and travel a bit. SpouseAnon just recovered from cancer and he has PTSD from Vietnam. We don't want to keep paying property taxes that support degenerates. We also had a recent boating event where our weapons sank with it. Shame that.;)

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

Have your spouse take CBD oil. That shit is miraculous.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts 4y

Freedom, for me, means growing/raising food. Living independent of the system without having to be homeless.

[–] 1 pt 4y

Some places have land within double-digit taxes a year range. Just be prepared to work hard and spend $$$ on equipment and off-grid stuff (wells are expensive).

But I still think a cabin and land is better than a vehicle.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts 4y

Any advice on where someone interested may found out more information about this lifestyle?

[–] 5 pts 4y

There are a bunch of YouTube creators that do a pretty good job of explaining how to get started. I have been thinking of starting a sub here on the full time RV lifestyle also.

The main subject to focus on is what type of RV is going to be best for your lifestyle and your budget.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 4y

Edit... I kept my guns

Could’ve sworn those were lost in a boating accident

[–] 2 pts 4y

See edit

[–] 17 pts 4y (edited 4y)

This is actually the downfall of America - the love of money and material possessions.

This is also the reason why the Christian church in America has become all but destroyed. Prosperity gospels and false prophets that tell people what they want to hear. Social gospels which deny Jesus and scripture while giving lip service to feel-good thoughts. The boomers who are too busy enjoying retirement and pension to their graves instead of fighting for their children and grandchildren.

What is happening to us now is judgment. People are trying to preserve their material lives when it's actually the very thing which is bringing destruction upon ourselves. Unless Americans learn to give up our idols, and fast, our nation will completely collapse.

[–] 3 pts 4y

The collapse of society is due to the embracing of pornography and violence, and the lack of a standard for civil behavior. The worst elements (niggers, mostly) feel free to do whatever they like without consequences. America needs to return to Christianity -- not the Christianity we have now, which people are abandoning, but a renewed Christianity -- a return to the holy spirit. This prospect terrifies the Jews, who are responsible for the pornography and the violence on television and in films. Christianity would unite white Americans -- the Jews have done everything possible to disunite and degrade whites.

[–] 3 pts 4y (edited 4y)

Yep, when people are set free from sin they can't exploit the flesh to control the masses. This is why Christianity has always been such a threat to the anti-Christ powers throughout history. It literally disarms them because their only weapon is to use porn, violence, greed, lust, envy, fear, etc - all sins of the flesh - in various ways to control people. When Christians no longer conform to the world and fear God over the world's powers and principalities it disarms them from retaining influence and control.

[–] 1 pt 4y

It's also due to there being a demand to reward mediocrity as much as brilliance.

[–] 2 pts 4y

You live in a tent down by the river I suppose?

[–] 5 pts 4y (edited 4y)

No, but I do live with fewer debts than most people I know. Never owned a brand new car, never owned a home larger than necessary to live, always buy older model smartphones, etc. It gives me a good work/life balance where I can get a job that doesn't exhaust me too much to enjoy my free time. I've had high paying jobs which completely took away my joy from life.

[–] 1 pt 4y

GOD is going to judge us. My view is that the Conid-19 virus is a warning from God. Get you act together or worse things are going to happen

[–] 1 pt 4y

>This is actually the downfall of America - the love of money and material possessions.

>This is also the reason why the Christian church in America has become all but destroyed. Prosperity gospels and false prophets that tell people what they want to hear. Social gospels which deny Jesus and scripture while giving lip service to feel-good thoughts. The boomers who are too busy enjoying retirement and pension to their graves instead of fighting for their children and grandchildren.

>What is happening to us now is judgment. People are trying to preserve their material lives when it's actually the very thing which is bringing destruction upon ourselves. Unless Americans learn to give up our idols, and fast, our nation will completely collapse.

pretty much this, sir!

[–] 0 pt 4y

There's nothing wrong with that. My goal is to gain more I can pass down to the next generation. Land, property, businesses.

I want them to build out the land as time goes and create family libraries, natural pools/ponds, homes they can live in, gardens they can grow, tree houses to play in, etc.

I don't know how anyone would want to die with nothing and have nothing building/growing to pass down to their kids.

[–] [deleted] 9 pts 4y

Fantastic response and exactly what I was thinking coming into this thread. In 1000 years all of it will be literally for nothing so why not just live the best life you can and fuck everything else.

[–] 3 pts 4y

That’s how the boomers thought and look at our country today ..

[–] 0 pt 4y

this place is full of kikes

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 4y

@Greetis absolutely right. Past actually does have an outcome on the future...that's why the united communist states fucking sucks now. Because people are assholes and dont give a fuck about the future. That kind of thinking is evil

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

Hard to know what will come in a thousand years, but, yeah.

[+] [deleted] 6 pts 4y
[–] [deleted] 2 pts 4y

Only you know what is best for you. I just wanted to know.

If that is the better choice, then I can't fault you for it.

Maybe looking in from the outside, things seem a lot easier than they really are.

Thanks for the thoughtful reply.

[–] 3 pts 4y

You're welcome.

If we ever get to a point of taxation where working doesn't allow a certain degree of luxury, then you'll start seeing more people stop. They will do just enough to get by, because that is all they will allow you to do anyways.

Fortunately we are not there yet.

[–] 2 pts 4y

This is how a lot of people think. Over time a lot goes to the free loaders and they can use consumerism to placate you

However I do understand your point

[–] 0 pt 4y

I'd love to see a better alternative.

You can't live without consumerism to some extent.

Everyone here is at the very least paying for a device to access the internet.

[–] 1 pt 4y

Modern economies are demand-driven. If the people don't have money to buy goods, no amount of supply will make it move. This was proven in the event that kicked off the Great Depression: We produced far more grain than anyone could possibly hope to eat because they thought if they grow more they would make the money necessary to live the lifestyle they desired. We subsidize agriculture today because that event caused immense damage to the labor market and this spilled out into other areas. The labor market is in jeopardy again due to over production and without proper demand stimulus (as opposed to Reganomics supply side stimulus), economies are going to stagnate and possibly contract.

Populations already are following this trend. They cannot comfortably raise kids in the manner they were raised so they put it off and have less kids. The globalists think they can keep growth going by importing immigrants, but we all know how that's going.