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Seems to me they are making the cost of living a normal comfortable life especially for the millenials so prohibitive that they jump at things like UBI and a socialised system run by the state.

Seems to me they are making the cost of living a normal comfortable life especially for the millenials so prohibitive that they jump at things like UBI and a socialised system run by the state.

(post is archived)

[–] -12 pt 4y

Capitalism is where a few own the means of production, not the workers.

They exploit YOU to steal the value created.

Wake up.

[–] 14 pts 4y

What value created?

I work for a company, and they pay me my wages because it's the value I supply to them. But without them there would be no company and my labor would have 0 value. THEY created the company. THEY purchased the land. THEY got all the permits. THEY hired the construction company. THEY had the facility built. THEY brought in the equipment. THEY pay the utilities, taxes, and upkeep. THEY handle the admin and financials.

All I do is show up 8 hours a day. Why the fuck should I own the "means of production" when they put in so much work and I did not? I'm not being exploited, without them I would have 0 income.

Wake up? You seem to be the one living in a fucking fairy tale dream world fantasy.

Do you know why the few people who own the means of production at my company own those means? Because they created, funded, planned, and did all the effort to establish those means.

You don't get to demand the entire loaf of bread just because you sat at the table when someone else grew the wheat, harvested it, milled it into flour, mixed it and baked it for you.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts 4y

about that last part, i know many an entitled cunts who legimitely believe being in a relationship entitles them to all yuour money, time and resources

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

yeah, and where did those "leaders" get capital from?

you boomers love circles.

you ever try to farm?

we are being squeezed. the msrkets are all controlled.

you're literally doing exactly what led us to here, you go to your stupid 9to5, you go home, you get drunk and go to sleep.

most americans deserve this. they voted for it.

[–] 5 pts 4y

yeah, and where did those "leaders" get capital from?

From capital investors who decided to take a risk with a chance at a return or a chance for a loss

you ever try to farm?

I grew up on a farm. Which is why I know the ability to do nothing all week and make 70k a year is infinitely more desirable than busting my ass farming all year and hoping a flood or cold spell doesn't wipe me out.

Again, if starting a company is so fucking easy and effortless, why do none of you edgelord tweens go do it then?

[–] -1 pt 4y

the argument for socialism isnt that you get 1% of the profits in a company consisting of 100 people. the argument is that some kike who does NOT even work for the company cant "own" %99.999 of the company. just because some kike goes and borrows your tax dollars to do a high risk investment in the company when its starting out while bringing nothing to the table with regards to innovation doesn't mean he gets a right to that company's profits forever.

capitalism = kiketalism

[–] 2 pts 4y

>high risk investment

I get your sentiment, but you seem to be missing what the term risk means.

[–] -4 pt 4y

Because without you no money is "made"

How do you devalue yourself so easily,wage slave?

[–] 6 pts 4y

Because without you no money is "made"

The company existed 120 years before I was even born. They seem to be pretty good at making money without me

[–] -6 pt 4y

The value you create through "work" it is stolen from you.

[–] 7 pts 4y

No it isn't. I am compensated via a paycheck.

The only thing stolen here are your brain cells.

If I paint a portrait of someone and sell it to them for 50 dollars - was the painting stolen? Was my labor stolen? No, it was exchanged to an agreed upon amount of capital. This is an exchange, not theft. Unless you are a literal slave, no one is "stealing" your labor.

If you are stupid enough to agree to 7.25 an hour flipping burgers - you arent being exploited, you're just dumb. You can start your own burger place any time you want. Go buy the land and build the restaurant and be your own boss then. Literally nothing is stopping you.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Troll gonna troll. Must be nice to get paid thanks to the fruits of capitalism to bash capitalism. Do go on and tell me how Bernie can still win.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Nope, you spend your time and labor in exchange for a share of the employer's profits, the amount of which is subject to negotiation. A clever legal framework designed by forward-thinking leaders will ensure that the balance doesn't tip too far towards one side.

[–] [deleted] 5 pts 4y

That's the loser's definition of capitalism.

You apply for a job at a company that's been around for 50 years, and that has been invested in, developed, and ran by countless people who aren't you. They offer to pay you a set wage to complete a set of tasks, regardless of the overall success/profitability of the company. You show up to do your menial task, which you are barely even qualified to do...and then complain that you're being "exploited".

Lol. Socialists are such dregs and parasites.

[–] -1 pt 4y

Lol, sad.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts 4y

No argument, as usual.

Just admit it; you just want to be entitled to things you never actually worked for. You want to own something without ever having a feasible claim to it (besides "working" there). Yes, you showed up a swept a floor, that means you and every other worthless, skill-less dreg should own the entire company, lmao. Fucking parasite.

[–] -2 pt 4y

Your labor makes them 250k, you are paid 50k, you don't feel exploited? Top kek.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 4y

What a literal retard understanding of economics.

How about the company has a bad year and loses 100k. Do I now owe them money?

[–] 0 pt 4y

I'm starting to think you've never had a job.

[–] 0 pt 4y


You have won a free helicopter ride!

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

That's a more acceptable attitude.

Just remember that capitalism and bolshevism are two sides of the same coin. I intend to melt it down, forge it into a key, and unlock the future.

National Socialism is literally the only way forward.

[–] 0 pt 4y

National socialism, is still socialism .

Hitler was funded by rich American jews.

[–] 0 pt 4y

So downvoting non-spam is okay on Poal if the user has a "Suspicious Behaviour" tag?

I'd ping the admins to draw this to their attention but they have a bad habit of banning people who ping them.
