Because Google and Bing buy up any competitor before they become a competitor.
Totally not a monopoly though.
Who declares monopolies and are they independent from them?
The DoJ is responsible for anti-trust cases, but it's mostly just a bribery system, or a political tool. There are probably a dozen+ anti-trust cases in the courts, but magically all of our major monopolies aren't being targeted. Werid that Trump had four years and big tech and big media didn't get touched that entire time. They all attacked him, yet he did nothing to break up their obvious monopolies and constant mergers/acquisitions. Weird...
Legit ever even 100% totes.
Not entirely true. Muh stronk interdependent woman CEO Marissa Meyer( gutted yahoo for her buddies at jewgle. Absolutely ran it into the ground.
Most of the other competitors use the same "authoritative sources" algorithms as jewgle so they get similar results. OP is remembering with rose colored glasses the days when you'd search "big boob" and get a geocities page about how the holohoax is fake. Now they all weigh authoritative sources higher, who are authoritative sources? Well, .gov, .edu and .lügenpresse domains of course. Now because wikipedia is the authority on everything they always show up first. But lets be honost on anything non-political, such as bird migration patterns, you're going to get better info from kikepedia than from
That fucking whore. I worked on the same campus as yahoo, used to carpool with dude that was part of the sales force there.
Little by little, you could see it, then one day...poof. He was gone.
Don't be so quick to judge, there is a lot of good info on that site. You fags should definitely check it out
Why is it an add for Netflix?
what if the site is run by an actual ornithologist who just chose a really degenerate domain name?
Is a wikipedia editor powermodding while huffing butter, chewing foreskins, and rubbing coconut oil all over their fat pimpled fucking potbelly, really more accurate than a gay satanist ornithologist?
But why can't an open source one be made that no one can own, or everyone can own, with a penny investment. All proceeds go to promoting white interests and exposing zionists.
"open source one be made"
Code stolen by Google and modified just enough to be patented
You could also make a closed source alternative to compete... but everyone has their price.
But if everyone owns it, no one owns it. If you make it to not profit, what or who would there be to sue.
Human minds are clever enough to address this. I wish I knew enough to try to poke it with a stick. If the chans can find a flag, people can do this.
(post is archived)