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[–] 1 pt 4y

I don´t know where you got that from, in Europe as long as you can pay for it, you can buy whatever house you like even if you live abroad. There are plenty of foreign funds buying homes to let, as an investment.

But China doesn´t play by the rules of free press and independent judges, they should be kept out from everywhere.

[–] 3 pts 4y

Ah yes, Europe... the one place that bends over and spreads their ass cheeks for immigrants and refugees MORE than the US does.

So this is my experience in any location I have looking to and I have looked into a number of places. I have strongly considered buying a 'bolt hole' in case things get to bad here. In every place I looked it was always one of two scenarios. 1) Foreigners cannot own land so you go find a lawyer or 2) Foreigners can own land but only 'With prior approval from the ministry of such and such.' which translates to 'you have to bribe a politician.'

[–] [deleted] 5 pts 4y

Fuck Europe, personal storry. I was set to inherit a million from a dead relative. The state came in and said were taking 78% of the funds and leaving you with 22% post tax. The kicker? There was a house involved. So they said i had to sell it at market value. The house was worth 750,000 and no one in the country could afford it. It was eventually sold to a foreigner who payed cash for it. So let me see, the state robbed my funds, robbed my house, robbed me of my assets, and then told me its to pay for the social services i wasnt receiving. They fucking laughed at my face too when they gave me the bill, like i was daft to expect any kind of retribution from the state. Seriously, as an American, Europe is beyond fucked at this point

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

Should have had an accidental fire at the residence

[–] 0 pt 4y

And this is the Utopian world of Socialism the left are so in love with.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Yes, Europe has taxes for nearly everything, perhaps more than other continents, but we Europeans can´t tell for sure since all we have ever known is high taxes and it just looks normal to us.